My EZarchive account is back up, but I've realized that the site converts the mp3s I put up to 128 bitrate. In other words, the best I can do with those uploads is low-quality. So, my question to you, dear readers, is if this is fine with you or if you would prefer that I use sendspace or yousendit to get the music out in its better quality version. The downside to this option is that the links go down superfast and will have to be reupped frequently.
I don't have strong feelings either way, so I really would love to hear everyone's opinions. Leave a comment and we'll see which side wins.
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Basement Jaxx - Crazy Itch Radio

Basement Jaxx, "Take Me Back To Your House"
Basement Jaxx, "Run 4 Cover"
It seems like radio is the new thing for 2006, as Basement Jaxx follows Bob Dylan with a look at the medium. BTW, check the comments to the most recent Theme Time Radio post, as there are two really intelligent comments, and I would love for others to respond as well. Issues like community, nihilism and nostalgia are discussed, great stuff.
Unfortunately, I can't say the same about this new release by the legendary UK producer duo. Crazy Itch Radio is the newest release by the dance legends, and while it shows the boys mellowing a bit, that maturity does not translate into any classic songs or a very consistent album. Almost all of their releases adhered to the concept of throwing everything at a listener, a runaway locomotive kinda sound where they sorta blew you away. When it works, it's perfect. Unfortunately, it also means that the music doesn't have the staying power, lacking any subtlety to make one go back.
This album does try to knock you out, but it just doesn't really do it for me. At all. There's nothing on here that comes close to "Romeo" or "Where's Your Head At?" While the songs aren't too busy, they are still predominately upbeat tracks with female vocals, stuff they've always done. There's been some talk about the tracks that new instrumentation like a banjo, but it just comes across as a novelty to me. I don't know, I'm gonna give this a few more spins, but it has been a big disappointment so far. Cop your copy and let us know what you think.
-LA continues to run things this week (although I'm hearing about some bullshit guestlist stuff last night, that elitist shit does not go over well here at Pound for Pound, do better LA), as tonight MSTRKRFT and Justice destroy that city
-My bol Project Matt spins at Home Sweet Home's costume party, must wear one!!!, two hour open bar should make it well worth it

-Hiro Ballroom with Aaron Lacrate and DJ Afro or Cake Shop's Halloween party where my girl JK will be holding it down for the NYC kids
-Party with the Soul Travelers at one of the most amazing spots in Philly, XIX
-Happy Halloween everybody, hope that you have a great night dressing up and eating candy and dancing! Thanks for all the great responses to my question about music uploads, keep'em coming as I'll leave that sticky up for a few more hours. Then, a sticky for CMJ and one for Making Time this Friday night!!!!!!!!
New Simian Mobile Disco!

Simian Mobile Disco, "Tits and Acid"
Simian Mobile Disco, "Animal House"
Awww yeah, here's some of that new heat for your ears. Simian Mobile Disco have been a Pound for Pound favorite for quite some time now and I am glad to have their newest jawn, the "Tits & Acid/Animal House" promo. The a-side, "Tits & Acid," makes it clear that the British boys share the same interests as me. I mean, is that not one of the great titles for a track? Actually, strike that, I have never used nor will I the word tits, as it sounds so violent and harsh for such a wonderful signified. When someone drops a single called "Huge Boobs and Caffeine," I will know that I have made an impact on music culture. Once you get past that semantic issue, you will find an absolute banger with a liquidy bass, squelches and a voice intoning you to "dance." Say no more.
"Animal House" ironically sounds a little tamer, as the bass slows down and the megaclub sound comes more to the forefront. It's the lesser of the two, but still pretty damn good. We will definitely be discussing this duo more and more in the future, as they have quickly established themselves as one of those elite groups that always deserve a listen. Their home page is inexplicably under construction, so head to myspace for any info you might want to know.
-Here's a great way to keep track of concerts and events you want to attend (thanks to JT showing me this)
-4 more days! Here's Borat on an old Conan O'Brien episode:
"You tell me, you would not like to make liquid explosion on Latifah?" I know I'm not saying that.
Monday, October 30, 2006
Afrika Bambataa and the Soul Sonic Force - Planet Rock

All songs are at 320, DJs no excuses now:
Afrika Bambataa & the Soul Sonic Force, "Planet Rock (original vocal version)"
Afrika Bambataa & the Soul Sonic Force, "Planet Rock (bonus beats)"
Afrika Bambataa & the Soul Sonic Force, "Planet Rock (classic mix)"
In the spirit of my Old, Weird America thoughts with Dylan, what better time to upload the classic song that forms the basis of my own version of that America. "Planet Rock" sits at that amazing juncture between hip-hop and electro, creating a blueprint for both musics to develop.
-LA has the event of the night with Ladytron and Justice (the secret guests) performing at the Standard hotel. For free, motherfuckers. My bol Franki Chan and IHeartComix, my magazine Anthem and Dim Mak put this one together. RSVP here.
-"Throw Your Hood Up" at Sway with Ayres, Tittsworth and Trackademicks. Massive.

-DJ DJ Dylan does Halloween at Estoria in the ATL
Dylan Sunday - Theme Time Radio #18-19
Bob Dylan, Theme Time Radio Hour #18 (Radio)
Bob Dylan, Theme Time Radio Hour #19 (Bible)
Busy day here at Pound for Pound, here's a little Dylan for the cherry on top. It's funny, as these posts sort of became more ritual than anything in the middle, popular and a good chance to spread some music not easily available. But, the more I listen to more I enjoy them. The initial thrill of hearing Dylan on radio has long since passed, but now the deeper enjoyment has set in as you get to learn a little bit more about Dylan and hear his wit and knowledge about music.
Which leads me to the random thoughts that came fromn hearing these shows, the first one in particular. Almost all of the songs on the Theme Time Radio Hour #18 deal with the magic of radio and how great it was as a means to hear music. All I could think was how things have changed. I mean, I never listen to the radio anymore and most certainly don't look to it as a source for new sounds. Can you remember the last time you listened to the radio as something other than background noise? Besides Howard Stern? I mean, I love my pop music and Mariah and Brittany and Ludacris, but they play new singles every half hour and even they become background.
But, I don't accept Dylan's (and Peter Wolf during his interview) nostalgia, as it misses the point. Radio isn't a fertile medium today, but it doesn't need to be. Yeah, I wish that I still waited all week to hear the Friday night Power 99 set that had all the great hip-hop that didn't make it on the regular rotation, or the Grateful Dead Hour on XPN, or even the college stations like PRB and KDU (which seem to be playing the same mix of punk and experimental that they did last decade). The Internet has risen up and gives me that thrill today. Blogs and internet radio bring me the new and that's fine.
It's the essential conflict that I think I have with the Dylan the man, which seems to have risen in the last few decades. It's a conservative, nostalgic mindset that seems to constantly look back to what we've lost as opposed to what's on the horizon. I fucking love these old hillbilly songs and soul and r&b jawns that Dylan brings out every week, love hearing that Weird, Old America that he is a part of. But, I also want to hear the stuff that has been the roots of my Weird, Old America, the 2 Live Crew, Run DMC, Arthur Baker, Larry Levan, John Zorn stuff, the people running with that, Spank Rock, Timbaland, LCD Soundsystem, Black Dice, you know the people. Hell, that's not even considering the impact of Europe and the world on my listening, which has little place on Theme Time Radio Hour. I guess that in a weird way I consider this blog as one of those new outlets and I hope that it will always serve as a place to find the old and the new, the roots and the now, with no nostalgia or hate.
What do you think? Do you agree with Dylan's view? Does anyone read this far?
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Clipse - Wamp Wamp

Clipse feat. Slim Thug, "Wamp Wamp"
Clipse feat. Slim Thug, "Wamp Wamp (instrumental)"
Clipse feat. Slim Thug, "Wamp Wamp (acapella)"
For the love of G-d or Allah or Jesus or whoever runs shit, please drop this Clipse album. I mean, haven't we suffered enough? Thankfully, we continue to get these slow leaks of straight heat that started with "Mr. Me Too" and now continues with another minimalist banger, "Wamp Wamp." This one sounds very much like Slim Thug's "Like A Boss" instrumentally, as it sounds like the Neptunes decided to stick with a good thing, especially Slim opens the song up.
-I also can barely wait for the release of Borat this Friday; here's a clip from the HBO show where Borat experiences American single life.
Dialogue of the century: Borat: I have now been one week without any sexy intercourse. My crum, my sack, is heavy. Woman: How old is your child?
-CMJ recommendations and Bob Dylan Sunday coming up
Forward Russia! - Give Me A Wall

!Forward Russia!, "Thirteen"
!Forward Russia!, "Nine"
Continuing on some newish ish, !Forward Russia! are one of the more recent hype bands, garnering the obligatory British press hyperbole and comparisons to previous success stories like Bloc Party. Their first release, Give Me A Wall, does not tread any new ground nor does it really do the usual that great. Don't get me wrong, there's a few good moments, which you can have a taste of below. It's got that post-punk, angular guitars sound that I really do love, but all I could think was, "Okay, and what else do you have?"
I think that the Bloc Party comparisons are the most productive to make clear what I find missing. Silent Alarm still sounds great to these ears a few years later, I can put that album on and go straight through and enjoy it. While their sound clearly draws from the post-punk influences, that's the start for them. They also draw on the Cure and dance music, all which comes out with great songwriting. The songs on Silent Alarm are great songs, varied, going from the club-ready "Banquet" to the gorgoeous, slow "She's Hearing Voices." Give Me A Wall has none of this, as the songs blend into one mass of wailing vocals, overbearing drums and spiky guitars. I hope that the band can find some space to make their own sound, as hype can only get you so far. Go here to buy a copy at Insound and be entered to win free tickets to one of their upcoming shows.
-For guaranteed good music and good times, Aaron Lacrate hits up Sunday Is The New Black at The Walnut Room. Bmore club bangers galore, the perfect end to the weekend.
-Anti-Halloween Halloween Le Disko in LA

-Hard to believe we're the fattest people in the world, huh?
-Great times last night, the Run DMC costume came off pretty well, thanks to MR for the early night gathering and opportunity to iPod DJ (for the record, I killed it), TA for the company and rides, AP, LL, L, the amazing loft party on Wood with emynd and Bo Bliz, the 9 year old kid hanging out and skateboarding with people all night, the fact that I could pee in the street and not wait in line, the final South Phil party and pumpkin seeds.
Saturday, October 28, 2006
DJ Paul V. - Smashoween 2006 Mix

DJ Paul V., Smashoween 2006 Mix
Well, tonight's the night. Yeah, yeah, I know that Halloween isn't officially until Tuesday night, but y'all know that this is the night where you leave all out on the streets of your city. This is the Saturday, get drunk, get buck night and this post is intended to help y'all out with music and plans.
First, I just got this mix and it's a good one, a great soundtrack for your house party, as it's got a spooky dance vibe to it. Paul did not make this specifically for me, but dropping Cheekyboy's "Halloween With Morrissey" clearly couldn't hurt with me. There's a good amount of mash-ups, but done with a spooky purpose, not to show off what he can combine. DJ Paul V. is on some OG status, just so you don't get it twisted and think he's some 21 yo with a Mac. The man's been spinning since '81, behind the LA party Dragstrip 66, a DJ on 103.1. Those skills come out on this mix, as it's put together, if you know what I mean. Good stuff, many more mixes here.
-Philly, two really cool parties tonight: emynd and Bo Bliz are throwing down at a warehouse party on 11th and Wood, while Dave P is spinning at the Klip Collective Studios loft on Broad and Race (201 N. Broad to be specific). You will see me hopefully at both, definitely one. Low B and Brendan Bring'em do it in the club setting
-LA, ESG is playing. End of story. (via z.)
-The Rub is having their Ruboween event, which should be insanely packed and crazy. Dances With White Girls, Vic Thrill and others are doing Halloween at Asterisk. What else is going down?
-I hope that everyone has a great night, gets dressed up and takes advantage of the one night a year that you can be someone else instead of your own miserable self.
Friday, October 27, 2006
The Rapture - Pieces Of The People We Love

The Rapture, "The Devil"
The Rapture, "Whoo! Alright - Yeah...Uh Huh"
I am so sorry for the delays here recently, but blogger and ezarchive have been down and out a lot lately. I have missed all of you so much and will make it up tonight and this weekend with lots of music and links and funny. Yeah!
I can't tell what the buzz has been in regards to the new Rapture album, Pieces Of The People We Love, as it kinda snuck up one me. Pitchfork discusses a distinct dislike of the band from blogs, disappointed at the failures of dance-punk. I'll take that for true, although I imagine Pitchfork probably had something to do with that hating, as they always do. But really, who the fuck cares? Did you really sit around and lament the lack of a dance-punk scene or movement? If you did, you need to get out of the house and experience the world.
No, the new one is not as good as Echoes, but that was one of the all-time greats imo. It is a very good album, which pretty consistenly brings the goods.
-White Lightning! with Lauren Flax (back from Europe!)

-I want to apologize to my bol DJ Tiny Pants, as I had hoped to hype up his Death By Awesome party last night. Unfortunately Blogger wouldn't post last night and Pound for Pound didn't get the word out. Anyway, check out the party site and get ready for the next time, when I guarantee we will be there in person!

-Speaking of death by awesome, I may die upon seeing the greatest movie ever made
-Finger On The Pulse radio at 7, tune in
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Project H.O.M.E. Young Friends Event TONIGHT

This event is not the inaugural event. But, it was either this or some pic of a woman's boobs, so get over it.
Okay, so ezarchive is back, new and improved, which means that the old tunes will be up and we're going to get back to the regular posting. Exciting, right? You feel happy and giving? Might I suggest that you attend tonight Project H.O.M.E.'s Young Friends event tonight at the UArts' Great Hall on Broad Street? No, seriously, attend this event.
I've always wanted this site to be more than just an mp3 blog, although I don't do nearly as much political stuff as I intend, mainly because I feel like I'm preaching to the choir and I just get so excited about the music and parties and ish that I forget to link to the Daily Kos post I liked. I'll work on it, but one area that I am committed to is getting the word out about great city organizations that are helping Philly (or NYC or Paris or wherever) and its citizens. In this case, Project H.O.M.E. is the city's preeminent homeless outreach group, doing yeoman work that goes unappreciated.
This event is a chance to appreciate them and give some money to help them continue their work. It's being held at UArts Great Hall, right on Broad, there's going to be lots of good people, people much better, nicer and more interesting than me. It's from 5:30-8:30, it costs $50 and you can see me in a dress shirt! For real, though, I feel like the two scenes I write for or get labeled with are the ones most often (unfairly) criticized as being apathetic and self-absorbed. I need to do better about showing the world behind all the parties and ish, but we all need to do better by supporting the groups and causes that mean a lot to us. Here's one for me.
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Pound for Pound's Greatest Links

Every now and then, something happens in regards to this blog that I can't help but highlight. It's hard to explain how a link can mean much to a person, but it does. I guess it's because you write so many words for so many days and give your opinions and thoughts that sometimes it's nice to know that other people respect what you're doing and appreciate it.
-I was recently informed that I had achieved a spot on Sasha Frere Jones' links page, which for me is the ultimate accomplishment. I mean, SFJ is who I want to be when I grow up (yes, yes, I know that I have already grown up and in fact quite old, just keep it shut for once, okay?). He's the music writer for The New Yorker, blogger, New Yorker, city resident raising his kids there. I mean, the man who wrote The Wu Tang Clan Primer for Wire magazine for g-dsakes! In short, he is the best music writer today, a beacon amongst the rockist garbage that gets spewed out in nearly every weekly and magazine in the US. I'm serious on top of the world with that one. Will your bol become soft and complacent? Hell naw, this only makes doing this all the more worthwhile. I'm gonna look at that every day before I write, get rad and do the damn thing. Thanks to Mr. Frere-Jones. Yeah yeah yeah.
-A little while ago, I did a post on Blake Miller from Moving Units, the remixer of that great track, "When The Leopard Got Its Spots." Love, love, love it. Anyway, Blake appears to have come across this post and linked to it from his myspace page. Best of all, check his intro: "Check out this music blog 'cuz it rules and scroll down to read the penultimate hipster's review of my Portugal The Man remix. Er, or don't." That's right, your bol is the penultimate hipster! I love that phrase most of all, as it's gonna be my epitaph, for really real. Thanks to Blake, hope to have some more of his and his band's music up down the road.
-I'm heading to see The Slits tonight at the Church here in Philly. The motherfucking Slits, people!
-New York City, this is what you need to do tonight, no excuses. Best flier ever. Great DJs, good people, a chance to hang out in the Meatpacking District, just do it.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Le Castle Vania

Snowden, "Black Eyes (Le Castle Vania remix)"
120 Eyes, "Come Out (Le Castle Vania's Electro Disco mix)"
Le Castle Vania feat. Factory Aire, "Trouble In Daylight (extended)"
Sorry, sorry, ezarchive is completely down and blogger went down for a few hours and ate this post before. Ugh. Anyway, I've gone back to ole' reliable, Yousendit, to get this music out and the blog running again. This seems like the perfect follow-up to the great DJ Never Forget mix post (did you download it yet? What the f are you waiting for!?!), as my bol reminded me of Le Castle Vania recently. I am super excited about these songs, as they fit perfectly with the electro-disco sound that Pound for Pound loves.
Le Castle Vania is the productio/remix moniker for DJ DJ Dylan, an ATL bol doing real big things. He's the man behind the Death to Disco party down there, which is bringing the durrrty house-electro ish to the Durrrty South. The Snowden remix is getting the most attention, but I'm really loving everything I've gotten my hands on so far. "Black Eyes" has that perfect mix of indie lyrics and sounds, which transforms into a raging, vocodered beast midway through. It's one of the best things I've heard in a minute, right up there with the Blake Miller remix from a few weeks ago. More indie song remixes that kill, please! Thanks. Don't sleep on the other remix, although I don't know much about 120 Days to be honest. It's in a similar vein, although the vocals are a little less appealing to me, a little too echo-y maybe? The final jawn is an original production and just plain fucking awesome. Great keyboad sounds and vocodered voice, but I especially love rough sounds that come in. It keeps you on your toes, combining the rough and beautful perfectly. Highly recommended.
-My bol Franki Chan has another great LA party on tap tonight at Safari Sam's, with The Kooks and Chin Up Chin Up playing live

-The legendary Project Matt and Resting General are doing it big tonight in the lower Lower East Side with rap and reggae at Home Sweet Home (131 Chrystie Street)
-Versus Mag SF has the Bay on lock with their Tuesday weekly, Hoodies and Heels, at Double Dutch in San Francisco
DJ Never Forget - Second Class: The Story of a Laptop DJ
DJ Never Forget, "Second Class: The Story of a Laptop DJ"
[Tracklisting is in comments.]
I can't think of a better way to kick off a week focused on the newest music coming out than to drop the newest mix by DJ Never Forget, one of the main men behind the Finger On The Pulse parties and radio show. One of Brooklyn's finest, my bol really does seem to be an extra step ahead on the indie/dance tip, lacing his mixes with the heat remixes and up-and-coming bands. This latest mix is no different, although it goes in a darker direction to my ears. It's slower and less upbeat, but just as listenable. In fact, it fits even better the mood of these times and the season.
All I'm gonna say is that you need this in your life. I rocked it all weekend and am continuing to do so as write during the week. Bol is really starting to establish himself as one of those DJs that are in that elite status, constantly on top of things, dropping the new shit without forgetting where the music came from, all focused on having people lose their shit and dancing and doing dirty things. He's beginning to come into that serious level of DJ, definitely standing out as one of the few dealing in the more indie side of things. Please don't mention laptop DJs aren't really DJs and that played out shit. It ain't the equipment that makes a DJ, it's the skills and mixing and song choice. If you have complaints on that front, I'm not sure what to do for you. Leave your thoughts, as I know GB would love to hear them.
-Awesome Inc. (of which FOTP is a part) is dropping a huge night on CMJ, as they take over Galapagos on November 1st. I know that the there is just an assload to do, but this should be at the top of your list, festivalgoers.

Pretty awesome, huh? I will have a more thorough look at CMJ later in the week, as we get closer to the jump.
-check out tonight's Do You Fuck? at the East River Bar, as the Royal Family and Team Carbomb give you something to do on a Tuesday with DJ Never Forget and Matty Royale.

-More later today, as I am finally getting caught up on everything. I do want to take the time to thank everyone who has gotten in touch with me via email or myspace, as it makes doing this blog a lot easier when I know that people are digging it. So, get in touch and let me know what you're feeling or not feeling and most importantly let me know what you have going on. I really want this site to discuss all of the great things my homeys and my homey's homeys and all the good people of the great cities of the world are doing. Holler at your bol!
Monday, October 23, 2006
New Order - Age of Consent

New Order, "Age of Consent" (at 320 DJs, grab this and play it)
New Order, "Age of Consent (Howie B remix)"
New Order, "Age of Consent (Spectrum Arena, Warrington March.01.86)
Death In Vegas, "Age of Consent (live cover)"
Arcade Fire, "Age of Consent (live 10.30.05)"
I first saw the preview for Marie Antoinette many months ago from a friend's recommendation, who knew it would have me dying to see the final product. Why such confidence? Because the entire preview is set to the sounds of New Order's "Age of Consent," possibly my favorite song by one of my favorite groups of all-time. Check out the trailer and you will see how amazing it is and how psyched it gets you to see the movie.
I did so today and alas it doesn't come close to the 3 minutes of magic I saw all those months ago. Sophia Coppola's new one is tough to discuss, as it has left me struggling to explain why I didn't like it. I didn't hate it, as it is beautifully shot and it is an interesting take on a character who I knew next to nothing about. Versailles is sorta the star here, as I'm sure everyone has heard that this is the first film shot here in ages. Damn, it's unbelievable and almost overwhelms everything else. Beyond that, there's sort of an empty feeling, a question of why this was made. I mean, was this really a character that needed to be rescued from history's inaccuracies? What made Lost In Translation so amazing was that these characters seemed so real and complicated; while Coppola may be trying to accomplish that here, she doesn't succeed in my opinion.
I hope that these songs can make up for a less-than-stellar movie review. The DJ quality original is essential for people spinning, as this song does not get played enough. Put that "Blue Monday" and "Bizarre Love Triangle" vinyl to rest.
-A special comment by Keith Olbermann on the death of habeas corpus - "we now face what our ancestors faced, at other times of exaggerated crisis and melodramatic fear-mongering: A government more dangerous to our liberty, than is the enemy it claims to protect us from."
-Spank Rock after-party at the Bamboo Lounge after the boys play the Tower Theater with Beck! Beck, motherfuckers!
-Philly's Brendan Bring'em spins at Sway in NYC for Roxy's Monday night jawn
-The new music focus will start tomorrow, I've been playing catch up today as blogger has failed me today.
Dylan Sunday - Theme Time Radio Hours #16-17

Bob Dylan, Theme Time Radio Hour #16 (Dogs)
Bob Dylan, Theme Time Radio Hour #17 (Friends & Neighbors)
Amazingly, this is the closest I have come in awhile to getting one of these posts up on a Sunday. Just a few hours late this time, but since I was out supporting Vox Populi, I feel no guilt. Well, I feel no doubt about this; about other things, it's none of your business. Anyway, here are the next two installments of Bob Dylan's Theme Time Radio Hour, covering two very nice topics: dogs and friends & neighbors.
Until last year, I considered myself a staunch dog person. I considered dogs the ultimate pet, fun, eager, energetic, licking and running and going for walks and all that good stuff.
This Dog episode is a good one, heavy on older, more obscure stuff. My personal favorite is the inclusion of a Rufus Thomas song, "Stop Kickin' My Dog Around," a classic from Stax Records and the man who has been covered by the Stones and appeared with the Jon Spencer Blues Explosion. Other highlights are Dylan naming a series of dog breeds, Ronnie Self's amazing "Ain't I A Dog," and Uncle Tupelo's version of the Stooges' classic "I Wanna Be Your Dog."
I ain't gonna bore you with some banal thoughts on friendship, but simply thank all of the people in my life who I can count as friends, from those I see everyday to those I've lost touch with for the moment.
Sunday, October 22, 2006
TV On The Radio Remixes

Beck, "Dark Star (Dave Sitek remix)"
TV On The Radio, "Hours (El-P remix)"
Bumblebeez 81, "Pony Ride (TV On The Radio remix)"
I had the good fortune to attend the TV On The Radio show last night at the Starlight Ballroom here in Philadelphia. It was a sold-out show, the last stop on their American tour. Thankfully, the boys didn't phone this one in in a last day of school mode, instead delivering a powerful, long set. Thanks to TA, JT and M for their company and lively discussion on blog URLs, pornography conventions and imaginary wives.
My first impression is that this is a great live band, one that's willing to work with their recorded songs and let them breathe live, see where they go. This is in marked contrast to the majority of indie bands who seem to regurgitate their latest album note for note. All of this leads me to my second impression, which is that the band needs to take the next step and contemplate the ebb and flow of the show. There was just too many long, drone-y pieces that meandered and left one's attention wandering. I mean, when they were on, like the entire three song encore, it was incredible. They are one of the few bands who can elicit so many different feelings in limited time, moving from drone Sonic Youths to dance-y punks to indie rockers, sometimes within a single song. I felt like the slooooooowwwww passages played against their talents, as their songs are fine for stretching, but they aren't lyrically amazing or poignant. While the Dead and Dylan can captivate you with a ballad, TVOTR does not write those kind of songs.
Here are the only remixes that I know about involving the band. The El-P remix comes off the deluxe edition of Return to Cookie Mountain, bringing two of my favorites together. Unfortunately, this one only looks good on paper. El-P does nothing for this one, clearly avoiding his dystopic sound. I mean, c'mon mang, know your role. The Bumblebeez 81 jawn is just something fun, maybe good for its novelty or rarity.
-Philly, tonight, head to the Vox Populi benefit at 1315 Cherry Street, as the gallery attempts to raise funds for their move to a new building. Check this Weekly article for the reasons behind said move. Pound for Pound faves Plastic Little and Yah Mos Def are performing, beer by Victory Brewing, me. It's $10 for a great cause, so get out support your local arts community, a great gallery and Philly.
-My bol DJ Huggs will help you wrap up the end of the night, as he's spinning at the Walnut Room, the latest big name to hold down Sundays Are The New Black
Friday, October 20, 2006
DJ Assault - Sumthin' 2 Shake Yo' Azz 2 EP

If you don't know who's ass that is, I assume that you have never read this blog.
DJ Assault, "Bangin' The Beat"
DJ Assault, "Bangapella"
DJ Assault, "The Rapture"
DJ Assault, "Sumthin' 2 Shake Yo' Azz 2 (street)"
I guess Fridays are gonna be Ghettotech Fridays here at Pound for Pound, as it's becoming a regular move for me. Or perhaps it's because I go braindead on Fridays and staring at the hundreds and hundreds of Detroit bangers looking back at me, that it's the simplest move possible. I ain't complainin' about this unconscious move, as the ghettotech sound defines club music for me, its songs are what I want to hear out on the dancefloor.
It only makes sense to finally get to the genre's biggest name, DJ Assault defined the genre, mainly because he dropped its greatest and most-known song, "Ass and Titties." But, it's also because he
-Virginia is for Lovers. The Cobra Kai guys start a new monthly called Mint tonight and they've brought in Boston's Red Foxx to help celebrate. Yeah, yeah, yeah, the South is starting to make noises here.

-New York City, Friday night: Catchdubs at Savalas, Optimo at Night Time for Justine D's 30th birthday party, Stretch Armstrong spinning at Studio B
-Philly, check 51:51 for all of your party plans. I will be staying in tonight, reading, do some grinding and think about my little baby Jezebel and how beautiful and smart she is. Lots of big stuff coming, a focus on some newer shit next week. Holler.
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Lindstrom - I Feel Space

Lindstrom, "I Feel Space"
Lindstrom, "Roma E6 7825"
I'm finally getting around to checking out Lindstrom's music, mainly on the recommendation of the Turntable Lab staff who recommended his tunes more than anyone else. He may be more known for his duo with Prins-Thomas, which has been dropping some of the hottest house tracks for a few years now. This one, "I Feel Space," came out on the Feedelity Recordings label in 2005, with a wider release on Playhouse Records.
It's a great example of that Lindstrom sound, so beautiful and serene, wonderful synth melody, exactly what I would expect from a Scandanavian producer. It's so joyous and happy, a perfect antidote to the broken-hearted sadness of New Order. Actually, strike all of that, as this isn't what I expect from Scandanavia (think The Knife on that front). It goes beyond region, timeless dance music that everyone needs in their life. This should especially appeal to everyone who loves the Morgan Geist/Metro Area stuff, as they both exhibit such warm, stunning electro-y disco music. The B side is a cheesy, 80s jawn, not bad, but no comparison to the A side.
-Philly, get to Key West for an epic night with Optimo, Dave P et al. Disco balls, $1 beers, mirrors everywhere, the best music in the world past and present, essential night.
-Theo and the Skyscrapers are playing tonight at a fundraiser for PS122 at Galapagos in Williamsburg. Go out and support a good cause and hear lots of rawk 'n roll.

-Check out my new Philly Weekly stuff, as I preview the Suicide Girls Burlesque Tour and DJ Robert Drake's Halloween edition of Sex Dwarf, showing off my mad writing skills. For real, I think this is my funniest piece yet by far. Oh, and I also hype up the Frank Black show at World Cafe Live, showing my mad range. Editors, bring in this hired gun before it's too late and I've been snapped up by Cosmo.
-Spent the night in NYC last night, as Pound for Pound closes in on establishing a NYC outpost. Thanks to RV for his hospitality and constant insults, felt like home. So, yes, we will run two cities at the same time, how do ya like that?
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Halloween, 1992 style
Stuck off the realness...

One of the NYC's best parties, 1992, get a head start on the Halloween madness tonight. So, break out your Starter jackets, Z Cavarricis, flannel, whatever the hell people wore back then and get crazy downstairs with my bols Project Matt and Stretch Armstrong, as well as King Solomon and DJ Soul.

One of the NYC's best parties, 1992, get a head start on the Halloween madness tonight. So, break out your Starter jackets, Z Cavarricis, flannel, whatever the hell people wore back then and get crazy downstairs with my bols Project Matt and Stretch Armstrong, as well as King Solomon and DJ Soul.
DJ Mehdi - I Am Somebody

DJ Mehdi feat. Chromeo, "I Am Somebody (Paris version)"
DJ Mehdi feat. Chromeo, "I Am Somebody (Montreal version)"
DJ Mehdi feat. Chromeo, "I Am Somebody (Kenny Dope dub)"
DJ Mehdi feat. Chromeo, "I Am Somebody (Kenny Dope Old School mix)"
Whew, that was way too much rock in the past few days, time to get back to the gentle embrace of the new sounds of Paris. Yes, I'm total whore for everything that comes out of that scene now, so shoot me. This is another of the older jawns, as DJ Medhi dropped this in 2004 on Ed Banger Records. Mehdi seems like this most unknown of the scene, as he really does not have many releases. But, he spun on the Ed Banger show in NYC (and killed it!) and is clearly a part of the inner circle. Hope that he is in the laboratory cooking up electro madness and keeping on lock stash for now.
As for the song, it's got to be one of the funnier ones in a minute. It's basically about trying to get into a club, but being rejected by the door person. "I am somebody" appears to be the response from the rejected, as the inner Stuart Smalley comes out in full effect.
-Have you ever wished that your drinking and dancing could help the less fortunate and make a difference? Of course you do, right? Tonight is the perfect chance to make your dreams come true, as Project H.O.M.E. is hosting a dance party/fundraiser at the World Cafe Live.

It's post-work, pre-TV time, so you have no good excuse. Stop in, support the cause and say hi to me. I'll be the dude requesting "We Are Your Friends" and "Big Pimpin'," waving my arms like I just don't care, to the embarrassment of the good people involved in this event like EO and KE.
-Laugh While You Can: Red State Son collects some great clips from underrated TV shows of the past (peep Colbert pre-Strangers With Candy!)
Monday, October 16, 2006
Dylan Sunday - Theme Time Radio Hours #14-15

Bob Dylan, Theme Time Radio Hour #14 (Devil)
Bob Dylan, Theme Time Radio Hour #15 (Eyes)
We're going to pretend that today is Sunday and that I didn't just spend like 20 hours uploading a New Order concert. Deal? Good. Unfortunately, there's no way I'm gonna connect these two episodes in one of my typically witty way. Instead, let me concentrate on the first one, Devils, as I feel like this is one of my favorites and a good chance to discuss Bob Dylan.
As much as Dylan stands in my mind and many people's minds as a beacon of creativity and progress, he's also a deeply conservative man. Perhaps it's a result of getting older, perhaps anyone pushing the limits in the present turns to the past and tradition. I don't know, but there's no mistake that Dylan has a very negative view of modern times. He's spoken about the lack of value in current music, railed about the loss of soul and talent in modern times. There's an almost preacher quality to some of his thinking, a railing at modern man and how we have lost our way. Dig his comments in the liner notes to the Biograph boxed set, describing the song "Every Grain Of Sand":
"The old trades are still the most useful, can get you out of a jam. Everything is crooked now and the signs all point you the wrong way - it's like we're living at the time of the Tower of Babel, all our tongues are confused...People like to talk about the image of the new America but to me it's still the old one - Marlon Brando, James Dean, Marilyn Monroe, it's not computers, cocaine and David Letterman, we gotta get off that - Hedy Lamarr, Dorothy Dandridge, that's my idea of America...I like to keep my values scripturally straight though - I like to stay a part of that stuff that don't change. Actually, it's not that difficult - people still love and they hate, they still marry and have children, still slaves in their minds to their desires, still slap each other in the face, and say 'honey can you turn off the light' just like in Ancient Greece. What's changed? When did Abraham break his father's idols? I think it was last Tuesday. God is still the judge and the devil still rules the world so what's different? No matter how big you think you are history is gonna roll over you. Sound like a preacher don't I? To the aspiring songwriter and singer I say disregard all the current stuff, forget it, you're better off, read John Keats, Melville, listen to Robert Johnson and Woody Guthrie."
All of this is to say that the devil seems a perfect concept for Mr. Dylan. I think that he sees it in our culture today and in some ways the radio show is a chance to fight this culture, to remind of us where pop music came from, to bring the roots into view, whether they are gospel, blues, doo-wop or jazz, Theme Time Radio Hour provides Dylan a pulpit.
Oh, and make sure that you read these words and don't try to ignore them and talk about the 60s and protest music. This is just as much Dylan, can you take it?
Sunday, October 15, 2006
New Order - Live in Irvine, CA 6/19/1989

Live in Bradford March 19, 1984
[Ed note: Sorry about the incompleteness here, I fell asleep last night while working on it. I'll have it nice and finished soon. Incidentally, I woke up with my head on the remote, causing a concern that I had either paralysis or some sort of retardation. It's def not paralysis, but some would argue that the retardation was already there.]
I've been a little late with the music lately, as ezarchive has been a real bitch to deal with for the past few weeks. To make it up to you, I'm gonna upload a shit ton of music today, starting with this special treat of a New Order show from 1989. I mean, is there any one in the world who doesn't love New Order? The indie kids, obvious, but my thugs love a little "Blue Monday," the ladies love "Bizarre Love Triangle," it's just eminently playable no matter where you at or who you with.
This concert comes at the band's apex, when they had dropped all the hits and were nearing their "retirement." I believe the tour is in support of the recently released Technique, which saw New Order being influenced by the Ibiza and rave scenes that were in their ascendancy. This isn't on some intimate club shit, however, as the boys were filling arenas at this point. It's a high-quality tape for such a large arena show, I'm guessing a soundboard, but don't have any definitive details on that front.
For some reason (well, I know the reasons, but we'll keep those a secret) I'm feeling melancholy today. It's like a knot in my stomach, a quiet unhappy aura follows everywhere. It's not shocking as it's been a tough time recently at Pound for Pound. New Order's music sounds so right for this kind of mood. It doesn't have the darkness and sense of annihilation that their predecessor Joy Division had, while not being happy happy joy joy either. New Order's music and lyrics mix that JD bleakness with a sense of hope and feeling, a sense that there is much sadness, but that sadness lets us know we are alive.
"I lost her, I've lost her, I've lost her/I lost her, I've lost her, I've lost her, I've lost her, I've lost her."
New Order - Irvine, CA June 16, 1989
True Faith
Age of Consent
Dream Attack
All The Way
Mr Disco
Your Silent Face
Vanishing Point
Round and Round
Bizarre Love Triangle
The Perfect Kiss
All Day Long
Fine Time
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Return The Gift Mix
DJ My Girl Z., a.k.a. DJ Woman Wonder a.k.a. Stuart Price's future girl, Return the Gift mix
I've been listening to this little mix for the past week or two and wanted to make sure that everyone had the same pleasure. It's a little dance mix made by DJ My Girl Z., reader, dance music expert, West Coast Pound for Pound correspondant and all-around ride or die bitch. I still plan on hosting some mixes, but it will have to wait until we move this site onto a better host than ezarchive. I cannot even begin to explain to you how much time it took to upload this massive file. Anyway, this is my girl, who I am going to try to talk into moving East so that we can throw dance parties in Philly and NYC and create a t-shirt empire and spread bass music to the world.
Listen to this immediately, as it is perfect prep for going out tonight, and wow is there a lot to do tonight!!!!
-Monster in Philly, DJ Steven Bloodbath and Leann and Vincent of Stay Local throw a huge bash at Starlight Ballroom

Sweatheart will be there and so will I
-The Philebrity Weekender detonates a bomb tonight with Plastic Little, Dave P and Adam Sparkles, V.I.P., Yah Mos Def, dancing, people, Crimp Yr Hair DJs, Philadelphyinz, like whoa
-BREAKING NEWS: The Rod Lee/Caps and Jones Level club opening has been canceled due to L&I. FiftyOne:FiftyOne got the word out, head to these two events above, don't pout.
-NYC, your choices are nice. Not surprisingly, Philly runs shit. Hands and Knees, M Room's filthy weekly, takes over the basement of Fontanas. Jhn Rdn and Ian St. Laurent (P4P foreshadowing!) will destroy the LES, along with my bol DJ Never Forget (upstairs). Get yourself to Eldridge tonight, no excuses. You've got Robot Rock at Movida with Frog (a.k.a. Dances With White Girls), Alex English and E Frank and Nicky Digital will take your pictures of your hipster asses.
-Mr Dylan once sang, "Down the highway, down the tracks, down the road to ecstasy/I followed you beneath the stars, hounded by your memory and all your ragin' glory./I been double crossed now for the very last time and now I'm finally free/I kiss goodbye the howling beast on the borderline that seperated you from me."
I've been listening to this little mix for the past week or two and wanted to make sure that everyone had the same pleasure. It's a little dance mix made by DJ My Girl Z., reader, dance music expert, West Coast Pound for Pound correspondant and all-around ride or die bitch. I still plan on hosting some mixes, but it will have to wait until we move this site onto a better host than ezarchive. I cannot even begin to explain to you how much time it took to upload this massive file. Anyway, this is my girl, who I am going to try to talk into moving East so that we can throw dance parties in Philly and NYC and create a t-shirt empire and spread bass music to the world.
Listen to this immediately, as it is perfect prep for going out tonight, and wow is there a lot to do tonight!!!!
-Monster in Philly, DJ Steven Bloodbath and Leann and Vincent of Stay Local throw a huge bash at Starlight Ballroom

Sweatheart will be there and so will I
-The Philebrity Weekender detonates a bomb tonight with Plastic Little, Dave P and Adam Sparkles, V.I.P., Yah Mos Def, dancing, people, Crimp Yr Hair DJs, Philadelphyinz, like whoa
-BREAKING NEWS: The Rod Lee/Caps and Jones Level club opening has been canceled due to L&I. FiftyOne:FiftyOne got the word out, head to these two events above, don't pout.
-NYC, your choices are nice. Not surprisingly, Philly runs shit. Hands and Knees, M Room's filthy weekly, takes over the basement of Fontanas. Jhn Rdn and Ian St. Laurent (P4P foreshadowing!) will destroy the LES, along with my bol DJ Never Forget (upstairs). Get yourself to Eldridge tonight, no excuses. You've got Robot Rock at Movida with Frog (a.k.a. Dances With White Girls), Alex English and E Frank and Nicky Digital will take your pictures of your hipster asses.
-Mr Dylan once sang, "Down the highway, down the tracks, down the road to ecstasy/I followed you beneath the stars, hounded by your memory and all your ragin' glory./I been double crossed now for the very last time and now I'm finally free/I kiss goodbye the howling beast on the borderline that seperated you from me."
Friday, October 13, 2006
Grizzly Bear - Yellow House

Grizzly Bear, "Lullabye"
Grizzly Bear, "Plans"
Grizzly Bear's Yellow House is one of the most talked about albums of the last few months, which has gotten nearly univeral acclaim from critics and bloggers. I've had it for a bit now, but I've just recently given it some listens. My ears have just not been with any of the new stuff coming out of indieland, to be honest. I guess it's a sign that this is the real deal that it has worked it way into my playlist alongside booty music, The Cure, Dylan and The Smiths and the billion dance remixes that I love.
Unfortunately, I don't have any prior Grizzly Bear experience, as I never got a chance to hear their first demo/album nor their remixes before hearing this one. So, I would recommend this review by Mark Richardson at Pitchfork, who loved this album and can clearly discuss the development of their music. To me, it sorta fits in with the whole freak folk movement with a far greater emphasis on the folk aspect. Think Animal Collective, Sunburned Hand of Man, that whole scene, but with the acoustic guitars and finger-picking up front and a minimum of noise.
The above songs should give a good idea of what to expect with the music, as the group writes great songs and specializes in dividing their songs into little movements. It's quite hypnotic at times, as this kind of acoustic guitar stuff can be at its finest. But, it doesn't have that driving pulse that the music I love exhibits, which makes it all the more surprising that this was released on Warp Records. I would recommend the album for everyone, but I definitely don't have it ranked as highly as most. I will wait to see if this one holds up for the next few months or if this is just another indie album that disappears with the hype. Buy it here and let us know what you think.
-Listen to another of Brooklyn's finest tonight (now, really), as Finger On The Pulse Radio goes from 7-9 on Little Radio
-FiftyOne:FiftyOne as always have a comprehensive guide for a great Philly weekend
-Finally, I just want to remind everyone to check out the website for Neighbors Allied for the Best Waterfront and to join up with them on myspace. I was at a planning meeting last night and am really psyched about doing what I can to help the good folks involved in NABR. You will be hearing much more about this in the next week or two, as the first fundraiser jump-off happens.
DJ Deeon - Tear The Club Up EP

DJ Deeon, "The Baddest"
DJ Deeon, "Tear Da Club Up!"
DJ Deeon, "On The Floor"
DJ Deeon, "Shake It! (21st Century remix)"
I can think of no better way to get us into the weekend than with some classic fucking ghettotech. DJ Deeon is another of the legendary names in the genre, perhaps not as well-known as Assault or Godfather, but just as talented and important. These tracks above come off of the Tear The Club EP from 2001, right at the heart of the ghettotech moment.
Yes, I know that it's Friday the 13th, but I really don't have anything that scary. This is a huge weekend, though, lots of madness will undoubtedly ensue at these great events below. See you out and about.
-Fuck a Stranger! Finger On The Pulse at Royal Oak!

-[click.] at Fluid with Dave P., Julian S. Process and Jacques Renault
-White Lightning! with Dances With White Girls and Andy Pry! "Thug house electro acid raving club banger 6 phase DJ sets," what more do you need?
-radioclit in London tonight
-Monster, Philebrity Weekender and Rod Lee tomorrow night in Philly, more to come on those, get at me with other things going down
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Freeform Five - No Conversations Part 1

Freeform Five, "No Conversations (original)"
Freeform Five, "No Conversations (Mylo remix)"
Freeform Five, No Conversations (Richard X remix)"
More dance magic here at Pound for Pound, as we drop the first 12" for Freeform Five's "No More Conversations." This one came out at the beginning of the year, but I'm not sure how late that really makes us here. Freeform Five isn't a dance producer/DJ; in fact, this group is a sizeable entity with more than 10 members, including vocalists. This is one of their biggest songs so far, excluding some seriously hot remixes (foreshadowing!) they've done for others. The original is a good song, much more pop than I expected. That's not quite what I mean actually; a song with so many remixes just seemed like it would fall more on the dance end of the spectrum even its original state. There's no crazy beat, more of an emphasis on lyrics, not just refrains.
The serious heat here is the Mylo remix, which simply floors me with each listen. I'm not even gonna drone on about this one, download immediately and listen to it all night and all day Friday and be a happier, better, faster, stronger person. Richard X is a guy we haven't discussed here, which is an oversight. X, a.k.a. Richard Phillips, is another serious talent in the whole house/electro scene, responsible for producing tracks by Kelis, M.I.A. and Annie among other P4P favorites. His "No More Conversations" remix is very nice, with a huge bass, handclaps, percussion, doesn't quite pick you up and take you to a special place like Mylo, but it comes in ahead of the original for me. More to come on this guy, count on it.
-TTC in NYC! Paris invades the Knitting Factory! Awesome!
-For those that couldn't catch the man DJing in Brooklyn last night, head over to Discobelle for an exclusive mix by one of Philly's finest, DJ Steven Bloodbath, there
-Brazilian Girls and Alex Robbins spinning in Montreal
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Boys Don't Cry

Robert Smith, the original sensitive thug
The Cure, "Boys Don't Cry (studio demo)"
The Cure, "Boys Don't Cry (acoustic)"
Samantha Ronson, "Boys Don't Cry"
This is not quite a bringingsensitiveback post, although it's damn close. Hell, I may actually do a similar hiphop-based version of this shortly, I'll try to put together ASAP. Anyway, it was a shitty weekend and I was feeling down for my entire trip to NYC and back and I thought of this song and figured that it would be worth a look.
If you don't know this song, I assume that you were raised by wolves or James Dobson. It's one of The Cure's most famous songs, a classic, perfect pop song to my ears. G-d damn, I love that early Cure sound, the jangly rock stuff, pre-Disintegration and less goth. Here are a few odds and ends, as I'm assuming that everyone already owns the album of the same name. The first one is the demo version, which comes on the deluxe CD editions. The other version is an acoustic one, which makes the original even more fragile and broken-hearted. Finally, Samantha Ronson, Mark's sister, did a cover version on her album Red, an inspired choice and impressive version. It's wonderful hearing a female voice singing this, it sounds just as good.
Beyond the music, I want to say that we need to realize that it is alright for boys to cry. Don't try to toughen them up, don't turn them into little men. Fellas, it ain't alright to just give in to all of these expectations. It's time to do away with the stereotypes about men being the strong, silent types. It isn't bad to be emotional and express them. To further this, I am going to organize a men's crying retreat, a chance for thugs and hipsters to come together and get those pent-up emotions out. I'm not talking any "Let's hug it out" shit, I'm talking some Field of Dreams-watching, Edith Piaf-listening, baller's bawling shit. The real deal. To help everyone with this transition, our first few sessions will take place in a strip club, as the boobies will hopefully take all back to being children. Let's do this, fellas!
-It looks like the folks at are reading Pound for Pound, as they have this article on how 'real men' stereotypes keep men from getting depression treated
-DJ Steven Bloodbath is spinning in Brooklyn tonight at Royal Oak
-I miss my bike. My French girl, Peugeot, is in the shop for the night, all by herself for the first time. She had a tough week with the fall and all, wish we didn't have to be apart, but it's all for the best as she'll be all fixed up and ready-to-ride tomorrow. Yeah!
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Van She remixes

The Klaxons, "Gravity's Rainbow (Van She remix)"
The Presets, "Are You The One? (Van She Tech NYC Rush remix)"
I've mentioned these guys, Van She, a few times, most recently as one of their members was involved in the remix of "Around the World" with Dangerous Dan. The band is another of the rising stars signed to the Modular Recordings label out of Australia. These guys from Down Under come out of that new school of rock bands who seem to be best at writing great dance tunes, a.k.a. the shit I love.
What better way to introduce them than with their remixes of two other memebers of this dance-rock crowd, Klaxons and The Presets. For real, "Are You The One?" is my jawn, possibly song of the year. Ever since I saw them playing The Khyber weeks ago, I can't stop listening to this one. What makes it especially nice is that there have been a ton of remixes, as it clearly hit other musicians just as much. This one by Van She is good, but not great. It doesn't close to the original, as it loses that bass-y, electro, sex vibe that makes the original so essential. It's replaced by a more techhouse sound, less filthy and dirty, harsher. It's an interesting take, but I don't think that this will be one of the remixes to have staying power.
Klaxons might have the biggest hype of all, as they're just coming onto the scene and have a new EP dropping and a full-length due next on a major label. But, we'll get them soon enough. For now, enjoy this great, sprightly remix of their first single, "Gravity's Rainbow," by Van She from last year.
-Lots of great music for download at Cosmic Elevator, with special mention going to this wonderful 4-disc collection of Grateful Dead collaborations with the Allman Brothers called Steal Your Peach. G-d knows, we all need more Dead in our lives.
-Philadelphians Against Santorum fundraiser at the Trocadero featuring sex columnist Dan Savage tonight
-I'll be at Jenny Lewis tonight at the TLA, recovering from my first bike fall last night on Girard Avenue. Damn you trolley tracks, damn you!!!! Your bol is in some serious pain, but will tough it out for my dear readers.
Disco not Disco 2 part 3

Arthur Russell, "Let's Go Swimming"
Barry Waite & Ltd., "Sting (Part One)"
Lex, "Fourteen Days"
The Clash, "This Is Radio Clash"
Here's the final segment from the Disco-not-Disco 2, the out-print, highly regarded compilation on Strut Records a few years back. I hope that everyone has enjoyed these posts and taken advantage and grabbed both volumes as it is an amazing document of a period and sound.
I'm sure that you didn't expect to see The Clash come up, even if this is disco not disco. But, if you think about it, I'm sure you can imagine that this isn't as great a leap as it seems at first mention. I must confess, as much as this will kill my hip cred, I have never been a huge fan of the Clash, just never got into their LPs the way I feel like I should. It's really been all about a few singles, but learning more about the group and this song has me ready to explore their music again. This song came out on 12" between Sandinista! and Combat Rock, and according to the liner notes, gained a huge following in the US clubs and made it onto the disco charts. It's got a great bassline, horns, nice, simple anthemic-y lyrics and has opened my ears to the band. It's got that punk, political edge, but it's open to other sounds and is not afraid to sound great and make you wanna dance.
I'll take a closer look at Arthur Russell down the road, but this is one of his many classics, mixed by Walter Gibbons of Salsoul fame. My personal favorite of the lot is the unknown-to-me "Fourteen Days" by Lex. This one has a more electro feel than the others, kinda reminds me of something Blondie put out around this time, as you have a female with a proto-rap on top of a great, synth heavy instrumental. This one is a must-have, do not overlook it.
-Give some money to AdamB's ActBlue fundraising page for three suburban Philly candidates in their effort to turn PA even bluer. The Clash would be proud.
-If you'd like to be considered for the Event of the Week sticky here at Pound for Pound, please get at me with the details via email or myspace. While I can't guarantee selection, I can guarantee a mention at some point. I wanna keep ramping this site up as a hype machine for city people doing big things, be it parties, art exhibits, stores, whatever grind you're on. Surburban events, no need to holler.
Monday, October 09, 2006
Dylan Sunday - Theme Time Radio Hour #12-13

Bob Dylan, Theme Time Radio Hour #12 (Cars)
Bob Dylan, Theme Time Radio Hour #13 (Rich Man, Poor Man)
Late again, I know, I know. I have a pretty good excuse this time, as I was traveling between Philly and its lesser cousin, Brooklyn. You know how the Chinatown effects me; it's never easy to get back on track after that experience. On the way up, that mean being seated amongst a NYC Chinatown school trip. A few things that I learned from the two hours with these monsters: fart jokes and actual farts are just as popular today as they were in my day; the kids of today have better cell phones and gadgets than I will ever own;
On to the main stuff, the latest episodes of Bob Dylan's radio show, Theme Time Radio Hour, here at Pound for Pound. Here's two more, somewhat related episodes, Cars and Rich Man, Poor Man. The first category is as foreign to me as any, as I have never owned, do not presently and will never own a car. In fact, I have only driven a car once this year to SR's wedding and have only been in car a handful of times in general. Now that I have the hang of riding a bike again, game over. There's something so un-urban about the car, it's birth can truly be traced as one of the roots of the death of the city in America. Experiencing their behavior on the roads from the unsafe perch of a bike seat, I realize that any city lover must grapple with lessening their impact and prevalance. Ugh, more to come on all of this in my online urban journal/zine.
In the meantime, enjoy one of the best episodes that has Dylan talking about how similar him and Prince are (both from the same part of Minnesota) and introducing me to the music of Richard Berry, whose music describes as covering "languid doo-wop to feral R&B." How amazing is that description!
The second one is real nice, Dylan looking at the notion of the rich and poor in the country. It's got a great selection of songs, from Tony Bennett to Johnny Rivers. But, it's the Dylan moments that are the best, as he laces this entire episode with quotes and movie clips that discuss the different world that exists for the rich and poor. It reminds you so much of Dylan's Midwestern roots and folk music origins, that natural attraction to the farmers and downtrodden. I'll leave you with the Confucius quote that Dylan reads: "In a country well-governed, poverty is something to be ashamed of; in a country badly governed, wealth is something to be ashamed of."
Saturday, October 07, 2006
The Who's new songs

The Who, "It's Not Enough"
The Who, "Tea and Theater"
The Who, "Happy Jack"
I've been a little down today, having feelings that I am getting played by people in my life. In the spirit of my newfound zen shit, I'm feeling a sense of defiance, realizing it's time to put those people out of my life and move ahead. Won't get fooled again, yamean?
Oh, segue, sweet segue. The Who are releasing a new album, Endless Wire, a logical move after their return to touring in the last few years. I mean, fuck it's The motherfuckin' Who, that's good enough for one post here. I can't claim to be a huge classic rock fan, like lots of it but don't think it's this ultimate, untouchable music the way the genre's annoying fans do. The Who have always risen above the pack for me, a combo of their great songwriting, Pete Townshend's guitar and Keith Moon's insane drumming.
-Jesus H. Christ, Philly, meet your new essential party. White Belts and White Ts destroyed last night, absolutely one of the best times I've had in awhile. This has so much potential, it's scary. It went down at an old warehouse on Front Street, on the border between NoLibs and Fishtown. The space inside is a lot nicer than you expect, raw but furnished with a pool table, some couches, a few tables and chairs, a deck out back and a bar. Bo Bliz and emynd killed it, the Dipset section around 2:30 or so was the highlight, or maybe "Never Scared" and "Knuck If You Buck," hard to say. The crowd was good sized, looked smaller because the space is huge. There's still room to grow, so if you missed this edition, you have no excuses next time. Philly, do this. Thanks to MR and JK for making this one of the best nights, walked around with a smile at 3:30 am in Wawa because of them. Oh, and the girl I danced with who had the faux-hawk and ridiculously cool glasses (and the boyfriend who was even fatter than me, well done, dude, score one for the husky set!)
-I need to get to Paris ASAP: Kitsune Maison jump-off at ParisParis
-If I was in NYC tonight, I'd be at Robot Rock at Movida and Trees Not Trash benefit at Asterisk in Bushwick
-I will be up in that fair city tomorrow, so if any of my dear readers would like to buy me a soda at my Delancey Street McDonald's or comfort after the horror of another Chinatown bus ride, holler at your bol.
Friday, October 06, 2006
Turbulence - Notorious

Turbulence, "Notorious"
Turbulence, "Can't Dis Rasta (Notorious Pt. 2)"
Amazing, this is the first time we have upped any dancehall music at Pound for Pound. For real? Is that possible? Unfortunately, it is true and it isn't for a lack of desire. I've always loved dancehall, ever since I got into it towards the end of college. I feel like that was when the music took a real turn towards hip-hop, incorporating a lot of its lyrical themes into its already ruffneck sound. I mean, shit, it's got brutal beats, riddim obsession, lyrics about guns, money and women, I mean, that's like the whole Pound for Pound aesthetic there.
If I were looking for an excuse, it would be that the dancehall/reggae is so overwhelming. I mean, there are literally hundreds of 7"s released every week, new riddims seem to pop up overnight, it's hard as a non-hardcore fan to keep up and count on quality control. If any one has a way to alleviate this, who knows of a good source for recommendation and finding the heat among the average shit, let me know.
Here's a song that has been out for more than a minute, but it's newish to me and it's a damn good one. I also think it seems a good representation of the dancehall sound in 2006. It's definitely more in the roots reggae vibe, a good followup to Damien Marley's "Welcome to Jamrock." There's more emphasis on the singing, and Turbulence has a great voice. Just love that "notorious," quite nice. As with nearly everything I listen to, I first came across this track on Diplo's Fabric jawn, which is an essential purchase if you don't already own it. Turntable Lab has the original version on vinyl, Part 2 seems harder to come by and less popular (for a reason). Highly recommended for those who love reggae and haven't been as big a fan of dancehall of the last decade. A little more conscious, less brutal instrumental, dig it.
-Making Time with Snowden
-Happy Birthday to Lauren Flax! She'll be celebrating at her weekly White Lightning!, so bring her a gift NYC
-Another special comment by my bol Keith Olbermann, this one the President's cowardly search for someone to blame for the mess he has made: "Please, sir, do not throw this country's principles away because your lies have made it such that you can no longer differentiate between the terrorists and the critics."
Party of the Week - White Belts and White Ts

Read my preview for this epic party in this week's Philadelphia Weekly. That says it all.
This is going to be a new feature here at Pound for Pound, as I'd like to make a weekly party a sticky at the top of the page. I want to use that prime real estate to hype up a party that gets me hyped, a chance for me to support my homies and my homies' homies, the grinders, the DJs and promoters doing big things. The party could be any where in the country (hell, world, if I hear about it), will involve lots of the same music we post up here and will get their flier and a brief summary at the top of the page for the entire week.
So, get at me people via email or myspace and let me know what you're working on, what you are going to, what parties are the new hot shit, what jawn is a guaranteed cocaine, dancefloor, booty music, sweaty, naked jumpoff. Everyone else, support these people!
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Daft Punk - Around the World Remixes

Daft Punk vs. Dangerous Dan and Nik of Van She, "Around the World Again In 5.07" (Taken down by request)
Franz Ferdinand, "Take Me Out (Daft Punk remix)" (requested by z.!!!!!)
Daft Punk, "Around The World (I:Cube remix)"
First off, I want to dedicate this post to my girl z., West Coast Pound for Pound correspondant, who I'm gonna try to talk into moving to the East Coast where the damn thing gets done, fashion maven and dancing queen. She's an even bigger Daft Punk fan than me, which is say a lot. I hope that these songs cheer her up and remind her of all of the good people and things out in life.
One of the more famous tracks, "Around the World," was my initial initial introduction to the French duo back in college. It's always seemed to me the most clubbish of their songs, more of a club stormer than anything since, a little more straightforward than one has come to expect. Well, Dangerous Dan and Nik of Van She fame have reworked the original and created an absolute monster.
The I:Cube mix is decent, nothing too exceptional. It takes the original and makes it a untz-untz song, which ain't a bad thing here. There's some keys, some siren-y sound effects and a nice, raging pace.
-Ratatat in Philly tonight at the Khyber!!!!! Say hi to the guy in glasses with a straight grizzly beard (mp3 foreshadowing! well sorta). I've gotten word that this is a great show, really looking forward to it.
-NYC, ya need to slow down until I can get up there; Cheeky Bastard with Dave P and JDH at Hiro Ballroom, White Dove ladies at Beauty Bar, DJs Nika Michelle and Pri$on Jam$ at Royal Oak with "new wave, no wave and ho wave", show love
-I wonder when conservatives look back on the past decade or two how much shame they will feel, as these are really pathetic, cowardly people
-This story is only going to be funny to one person, my good buddy RV, who spent lots of time with me when I lost my glasses and refused to buy another pair. He was there for my confusion over lips on screen that I swore was an ass. Well, now, I have a pair, but took them off before bed. On came Carson Daly's show and his first guest. It was that kid from Third Rock From The Sun and I spent the entire interview wondering what the hell he was promoting and how he was the first guest. I finally put my glasses on to watch for real and realized that it was Jet fucking Li promoting his new movie. Fucked up.
Bringing Sensitiveback: An Essay Part 3

Geto Boys, "Minds Playing Tricks On Me"
Notorious B.I.G., "Suicidal Thoughts"
"I sit alone in my four-cornered room, staring at candles."
I want to keep going with this essay in parts, as the ideas keep building and adapting and I really hope that we can get a discussion going on the future of hip-hop. Following up on my ideas before, I want to delve into the idea of opening hip-hop up to the world and challenging the violence and misogyny that dominates today. I must reiterate however that all of this comes from someone who loves these very songs, who loves hip-hop and despises the haters and backpackers and assorted idiots.
Much of my thinking on these ideas comes from reading I Don't Want To Talk About It, Terrance Real's book on male depression. I've already laid out my reading of hip hop, the more recent especially, as the art of the traumatized, a reflection of urban male youth. It's hard not to see the characters that dominate today - men's men, strong, tough, silent (no snitches), humorless (I may crack a smile, but ain't a damn thing funny), violent, angry. Is there a way to break this, to acknowledge while challenging its dominance? I turn to two of the most powerful rap songs ever made to find a break.
First, the legendary Houston rap group, Geto Boys. Scarface, Bushwick Bill and Willie D are in that all-time category, achieving near mythical status at Pound for Pound. While many of these above attributes could easily be found in their music, I also feel like they are one of the few to ever look at mental illness, going crazy and breaking down. This may not seem like much, but in a culture obsessed with toughness and lack of vulnerability, it's enormous.
"Mind Playin' Tricks On Me" was one of the first Southern tracks I heard and to this day it is one of the most memorable and powerful songs I've heard. Who can ever forget the video of Bill punching the street until his hands were bloody? Or Face talking about seeing someone following him? Or Willie's visions of those he'd killed? Shit is real and poweful and stunning.
"Suicidal Thoughts" is even more disturbing and shocking. In essence, Biggie gives us his suicide letter, rapped over the beat of his heart. Here's a topic that no one talks about, one clouded in shame and disgust. Yet, here is the best rapper of all-time talking about, letting us into his mind filled with self-loathing and shame, unafraid. These are unique thoughts, but the end result of suicide should remind us that boys can't hold all of this in forever.
Why do I think that this is an opening? Because mental illness is anathema to masculinity. In fact, many men consider depression a female disease, a product of weakness and emotions. These songs above show the toughest of the toughest as scared, worried, neurotic, in essence, human. It's a condition almost completely unexamined in hip-hop, which is unsurprising as it perfectly reflects the society at large. Can you imagine the reaction if a stream of rappers acknowledged the sadness and loss that they have experienced growing up, if they balanced the pussy and guns schtick with an acknowledgment that there is a time to be open and emotional? It's a way to redefine masculinity and allow it to mean emotional as much as strong.
What do my dear readers think? I'd love to hear your criticisms of my ideas or how you would try to open hip-hop up to more balanced and human music. How about my women readers? I know that this is a lot of you, don't be shy, speak up, let your feminist flag fly, call me out, call hip-hop out, let's get a debate goin'. Yeah yeah yeah!
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