So, I'm gonna try to start trying to put together a few posts a week dedicated to links to other sites and cool things, trying to break out of my Pound for Pound-absorbed world. This one's gonna be a quick one, but please feel free to get at me and send me cool links or your blog or whatever. It'll give me a chance to hype some non-music related stuff, give heads on cool upcoming events that you'll need to RSVP or buy tickets for, etc. Sound good?
It's ironic that I referenced John Cage in the Bjork post, as unbeknownst to me, today would have been his 95th birthday. WNYC, the amazing public radio station here in New York City, is doing 24 Hours 33 Minutes: The Playful and Playable Cage, dedicated to the man and his music, some of the most challenging and beautiful music ever made. It started at noon today and runs until tommorow at 12:33 p.m. I've been tuning in for the past few hours and can vouch that this is a really amazing tribute, complete with rare interviews, lots of music and history. Click here for those of you not in NYC to stream it; it comes in clear and consistent. For those in NYC, you can head to The Kitchen (512 W. 19th St.) at 8 p.m. for a night simply called Cage at 95. It's $25, $15 for students and members. Yeah, get your avant garde on!
-I got the heads up about this from Justin Carter's amazing wesbite New Releases. He sends out an email every Wednesday featuring one amazing NYC event per night. I cannot recommend signing up more highly, as it's alerted me to a ton of cool stuff going on in the city and on the internets.
-The French bloggers are coming! The French bloggers are coming! Fluo Kids are hitting the states for a ton of DJ gigs and they're starting out in NYC at the FUN party at Studio B in Brooklyn. They're being joined by the most excellent band, Yuksek, along with a DJ set by Brodsinski. You can experience all of this for free, you just need to rsvp at the FUN going.com site for Friday. Simple, easy, fun.
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