Kavinsky, "Dead Cruiser" (YSI link)
Kavinsky, "Testarossa Overdrive (SebastiAn remix)" (YSI link)
Ugh, I did a whole Thursday night post and then blogger had some outage and I lost it all. Apologies to the good parties last night and to DJ Technics whose songs I put up. We'll get back to them, but for right now, it's time for some Miami bass to kick off the weekend.
There is so much going on tonight, it's a little overwhelming. Big night for NYC, new party in Philly, Lights Down Low in SF and Lauren Flax in London and more.
-Let's kick it off with People Don't Dance No More, the monthly LES party that has been bringing in some of the best dance music DJs to NYC. Tonight's an extra special one to me, as David Bruno and Robot Blair turn their attention to my favorite city, Paris, and one of my favorite labels, Institubes. Institubes Paris Terror Club is taking over Element (Houston and Essex) with DJ sets from Das Glow and Curses! I spent the morning walking around the LES and my old haunts (shout out to Kossars and Delancey McDonalds, I have a big feeling about this one.

-The co-headliner tonight is going to be serious fun. The worst part about NYC is the fact that there' s no crazy parties in unique spots, it's always the same bars and clubs, it always costs a shitload to drink. Well, the Finger On The Pulse bols are back and trying to change that with a rager in the basment of The Charleston (174 Bedford Ave.) DJ Never Forget and Terry Diobolik are joined by Miss MK from the Hot Hens as they try to set Bedford Ave on fire. Figuratively speaking.

-I told you it's a big night in NYC. A little further north in Greenpoint, Fixed does its monthly thing at Studio B (259 Banker St.). Tonight the special guest is Zombie Nation from Modular doing a live set. Dave P and JDH will do their thing as well, and let me reiterate that these two have been putting on the best sets I've heard in a long time recently.

-Legendary New York party/DJ crewThe Rub have Brooklyn on lock, so it looks like they are going to try to make a surprise attack on the Meatpacking district and its beautiful people. It's nice to see the GBH folks are putting this on, good to see people going out of their boxes and just supporting good music. It's at Lotus (409 W. 14th St.) upstairs.

-I'm not sure if this flier arouses me or disturbs me but either way it's always good to have Stretch Armstrong out doing the damn thing. Another DJ who has floored me whenever I've had a chance to hear him spin, he's with the White Dove ladies tonight at Orchard Bar (200 Orchard St.), so stop by before or after you hit up PDDNM.

-Honestly, this could have been the event of the night. Fuck it, it is. Lights Down Low brings in the amazing Rub 'n' Tug for a guest DJ set. The NYC/Eskimo Records dudes join resident Sleazemore and DJ Omar and Richard Oh!? for a night of sick, dirty dance music. This is the best party in SF, get to 222 Club (222 Hyde and Turk) and find out for yourself.

-Yeah, Life During Wartime dance party is back for its bi-monthy spot. I'm gonna do some Chicago posts next week, as that city is not getting the love it deserves. Bald Eagle and Mother Hubbard have put together a night that has me taking notice. Go to Darkroom (2210 W. Chicago Ave) and appreciate what you have Windy City-ers. More to come, fa sho.

-Let's cross the ocean to let you know that our girl Lauren Flax is in London this weekend. Catch her Bosh! tonight at The Fly (New Oxford St.) with a ton of bands and DJs including fellow New Yorkers Dreamburger. Whenever I see the shit going on in London with the massive lineups and band/DJ mixtures, I get very jealous.

-DJ Almost Tropical, a.k.a. my girl Elizabeth, is spinning tonight a new bar in Berlin called Kim (Burnnenstrasse 10). It sounds like they are christening a new bar inside the place, not sure what they did before about drinking and stuff. But, I do know that Almost Tropical will kill it and that there is a wolf in the flier. Good enough for me.

-There's nothing I love more than when other cities realize that the greatest DJs are in Philly and always will be. If you want to have a good party, find a Philly DJ. Pound for Pound favorites Tactic are putting on Tight Werk in Kansas City, MO and have brought in Philly's Starkey from the Seclusiasis crew. Expect lots of bass, grime, dubstep, crunk, Balancas (1809 Grand) might never be the same.

-Finally, Hands and Knees is dead. Long live Last Nite On Earth. The M Room (15 W. Girard Ave) has a new Friday night party with DJ Solobuns from Upstairs at Sal's fame. I know you're going to miss H&K, but don't let your sadness prevent you from missing out on a great new addition to the Philly scene. If you don't believe me, maybe you'll believe this amazing Philadelphia Weekly writer who did a preview. Great flier, btw.

Colour me feeling the Kavinsky love - SebastiAn may be a better remixer but Kavinsky's original work beats Seb hands down
Its Testarossa Autodrive, not Overdrive...
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