James Brown, "Lost Someone" (rapidshare link)
James Brown, "Let Yourself Go" (rapidshare link)
James Brown, "There Was A Time" (rapidshare link)
James Brown, "I Feel All Right" (rapidshare link)
James Brown, "I Can't Stand It" (rapidshare link)
Oh 2006, what a terrible time you've brought with you. I woke up yesterday morning to learn that it was going to continue to cause pain right up until its last days, as James Brown passed away early yesterday morning. There's not much for me to add that hasn't already been said elsewhere. He was one of the looming figures over all of the music that I talk about here, one of those artists that stand above, a la Dylan, Ellington, Miles, Morrissey, etc.
I've been listening to his music today, mainly the Live at the Apollo stuff, as it's quite possibly my favorite live recordings ever, a chance to hear Brown in his most natural environment. The Apollo was like a second home for JB and his bands, a place that established the legend and made him a star. All of the tracks above should remind people of the amazing music that the man made, something that probably got lost as he had his run-ins with the law and became a Vegas caricature. This is raw, emotional, brilliant music that has rarely been equalled. It deals with politics, race, sex, love, women, it's complex and offensive and hard and cold and soft and warm. It's got multitudes like all the great stuff does, and it helps make his death a little more bearable.
1 comment:
fucking works
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