Since I'm hyping up all the up-and-comers grindin', I wanted to mention one of the coolest sites/businesses I've come across on the Internets. Piano&Scene is a one-woman enterprise devoted to making reading a fashion statement. Ms. Jennifer Cacicio makes buttons to celebrate your favorite authors, a cool tribute to those writers who've made your life better and a great way to put a little style into your look. You can also go with magnets to spruce up the fridge, a nice reminder to get back to your book and stop eating.
Head over to Piano&Scene and order your pack of 4 for $12. That's 12 bucks, people! That's two beers or 1 CD or 1 record or whatever. Here's the goal: 20 readers cop 1 pack each. Think of it as your way of giving back for all of the free music here. Or a way to support an independent grinder. Or an artist. Or a city person. Here's the 3 simple steps it takes to make this happen. I'm working on my 4 choices as we speak. I think that I'm gonna go with Samuel Beckett definitely, lots of maybes like Pelecanos, Chandler, Hammett, Malamud, Bashevis Singer, Auster, Camus, Ellison, Richard Wright, Dos Passos, Dostoevsky, Kafka. Yes, that's more than 4, I said I'm working on it. How about everyone leave their 4 choices and let us know that we reached the goal. Go here for a look at some samples to help with the selection.

Yeah yeah yeah, Piano&Scene! Let's do this people! 20 people!
Harper Lee, Jane Austen, John Steinbeck, Marcel Proust
magnets: definitely murakami (so, you caught me, it's a sample. deal.), sedaris (amy, not david! i like david too though.), tom robbins, nabokov. 2nd set: ayn rand, rilke, jeffrey steingarten (very fridge-appropriate!), de beauvoir.
from these choices, do you know who i am??
Those are some good choices, especially love Proust.
Anonymous #2, I don't know who you are. I have a guess, but I can't believe that that person would be posting comments on my blog. Leave your intials or get at me and let me know who you are, dying to know.
I should have my 4 choices for buttons shortly, have narrowed it down to a handful.
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