Bob Dylan A Tree With Roots Disc 1
Bob Dylan A Tree With Roots Disc 2
Oooh, I love good timing. I have been thinking about putting up the unofficial Basement Tapes release for some time, as it's pretty essential music and music critics like Greil Marcus love to jerk off over this stuff (probably b/c it's so hard to come by). After taking a look at The Band earlier today, it seems like the ideal time to look at the songs that Dylan and The Band recorded and worked on in Woodstock, NY.
Background: In 1966, Dylan is on top of the world, having energized rock by going electric, he had a #1 hit with "Like A Rolling Stone," his European tours were already the stuff of legend, he had recently released Highway 61 Revisited and Blonde On Blonde. He was 25 years old. Then, on July 29, 1966, Dylan crashed his motorcycle in Woodstock, New York. He would hole himself up in the town with the guys from The Hawks (the name of The Band before they were The Band). In this relaxed setting, the guys would spend the day jamming, Dylan teaching them covers, creating new songs from a few lyrics or bars of music.
I'll have another post on this and am going to save my thoughts on the music for that one, as I need to spend some more time with the music, to be honest. These CDs come from A Tree With Roots boxed set that came out a few years ago on . This release was a marked improvement sound-wise over The Complete Basement Tapes release. Both of those brought together all of the missing tracks that Columbia didn't release on the official album, The Basement Tapes.
Every day is Christmas...I cannot believe how lucky a girl can get. The gen-U-wine, legendary Basement Tapes. Thank you thank you thank you. Merry Kisses!!!!!
you are a fricking angel.
Merry christmas to me
and you
and all bobists,
Something I have been looking for a long time. This is a great Dylan era.
thank you, for this and for the concert 11/20/06, just thank you.
Y'all are welcome, glad that everyone is enjoying the Dylan uploads.
I love comments, yeah!
This is awesome. I've been checking this site regularly for your Dylan downloads for the past few months & this promises to be one of the best things yet. Thank you for such a great Christmas gift.
Incidentally, Like A Rolling Stone only made it to #2, I think.
Merry Christmas.
Thanks for this -- I look forward to 3 & 4! One problem: in the zip file for disk 1, track 16 is a duplicate of track 15 (but with a different name). If you could post the actual 1-16 One Man's Loss.mp3, that would be wonderful.
Incidentally, CD listings can be found at: http://www.bobsboots.com/CDs/cd-t13-R1.html.
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