Peaches and Mocky in Berlin looking cute and demure
Playgroup, "Fourth Sex Baby"
7 Hurtz with Peaches and Bitch Lap Lap, "Sexy Dancer"
Chicks on Speed feat. Peaches, "We Don't Play Guitars"
Mocky, "Heavy Shit"
The next installment of our look at some of the random songs that Peaches has made an appearance on. This time, we've stuck with her guest vocals on the songs of kindred spirits. Playgroup might have the winner here, a dirty, sex obsessed song that is actually kinda funny at times. It's a synth-y monster, club ready for sure.
Wait, the Mocky joint is sick too. Listen to the eerie piano chords, the heavy, low bass. Phenomenal, not sure if I wanna get crazy or hide in my closet listening to this one. It's got that this great vocal ending too, as Mocky and Peaches repeat the refrain over and over, a cool buildup for a song that you wouldn't expect to tap your foot to. Chicks On Speed's "We Don't Play Guitars" seems cool on paper, but never takes off in practice. It's got a fun concept, wish that Peaches' role was bigger as her verse is my favorite.
"Sexy Dancer" might be the most interesting thing here, a Prince cover on the If I Was Prince tribute compilation. I really would love an entire album of Prince covers with Peaches, as he seems like a major influence on her works. The cheap keyboards, machine sounds, the sexuality, the explicit lyrics, all of its there. This version stars 7 Hurtz, a duo featuring Lascalles Gordon and Ben Cowan, who've recorded for Output. I'm gonna try to come up with some more of their stuff, as this has me intrigued.
-I shit you not, this is one of the lead stories on Yahoo news tonight. It's an article about Rep. Robert Wexler's interview with Stephen Colbert, where Wexler went along with a cocaine quote that he was asked. It was pretty hilarious stuff, which you can watch for yourself. But, seriously, journalists, this is not news, you can't see that this is exactly the sort of response that makes the joke funnier and sadder, and dude was right. We all enjoy cocaine and prostitutes because they're the fun thing to do.
-More cool Pound for Pound news: Brooklyn Vegan, the super popular indie blog, has linked to this site as a part of his Sirius radio show playlist. Vegan played the Peaches remix of Yeah Yeah Yeahs "Cheated Hearts" I uploaded, one of many great selections. Love the Love Is All, Justice vs. Simian, MSTRKRFT remix of "Mother," Os Mutantes, very nice. Not sure if you can listen to this show online, but for those with Sirius satellite radio, tune in to the Left Of Center station tomorrow night at 10 pm.
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