Richie Panic, Girls Night Out Volume 2
Here's some more fun mix action for you to kids to listen to this weekend on your iPhone or Zune or whatever crazy gadget you have. It's Girl Night Out Volume 2, Richie Panic's soundtrack for girls gone wild. We dropped the first volume here a few weeks ago and this follow-up continues the high quality; in fact, I'm feeling this one a little more as there's a little more a filthy, bootyesque vibe to this one. On the real, dude's one of the few who is putting together like this, basically completely re-edited and fucked with on every track. Panic and Gold Chains have edited or added some instruments to every track, sometimes it's subtle, sometimes it's on some complete alteration shit.
I know that we've been hitting you with lots of mixes, but of all of them, this one might be the best intro to what this blog is about. It's hard-hitting, 26 minutes (brevity DJs, don't sleep on it), it's all about the dancefloor, covers lots of our favorites (CSS, Simian Mobile Disco, lots of Frenchies), some lesser known stuff, just a banger. Download it now, I gurantee you will be rocking it all week, it's real real good.
Tonight's the chance for San Franciscans to check out the dude and hear this mix come to life at his main party, Frisco Disco. On the regular, Richie and Jefrodisiac throw one of the best parties in the Bay Area, on some debaucherous, did I really see that last night?, was I really doing that with her? shit. Check out past pictures to see beautiful people looking beautiful and having a beautiful time. This one's extra special, as it's Mr. Panic's birthday celebration and one can only imagine the crazy crazy things that will happen at The Transfer tonight. I can't make it, but for anyone near SF you have no excuse. I mean, check out the flier, this is the party of the year!

For the rest of you, check out Richie Panic's myspace page and thank him for the mix, check out his upcoming gigs, party people and DJs get the man gigs in the rest of the country, dd him as a friend, say hi. I want to wish him a Happy Birthday, looking forward