Chicken Lips, "He Not In (original edit)" (YSI link)
Chicken Lips, "He Not In (Stanton Warriors She Not In edit)" (YSI link)
Chicken Lips, "He Not In (Stanton Warriors Or Is She edit)" (YSI link)
I hope to delve deeper into dance music in the coming year, getting into more labels and sounds than the dirty, filthy, indie stuff coming out of Paris and Australia and the States. Chicken Lips are a huge name that have been a great way for me to get into a lot of the more dance-y stuff than what I've listened to before. They're actually a duo from the UK who've been making music for a long time. How long? They were big players during acid house's hey day. Now, they are leading the way in the electro-house scene, consistently putting out the best tracks and remixes of the genre.
"He Not In" was a huge hit in 2003, getting played by every major DJ in the genre and being picked up by Azuli Records for a compilation. It's definitely not what I would think of as an anthem, but it probably does define the dubhouse sound. Not surprisingly, the music sort of sneaks up on you, as things sort of slowly play out. A far cry from the immediate sounds that I normally go for. The Stanton Warrior edits are much more in this vein, as the bass asserts itself a lot more on these two. Let us know what you think, as we'll try to go deeper if people are feeling this.
-My bol Project Matt is spinning at Supreme Trading in Williamsburg tonight with Iron Mike, just do it
-Peter Hook from New fucking Order is spinning tonight at Hiro

-Brendon Bring'em's weekly Thursday night at Bamboo Lounge in Philly kicks off 2007
-BFF in LA with its new resident DJ Dirty Dave!

Aw yeah - Chicken Lips! LOVED this track. Want something seriously dope from them? Go find "Wind Ya Neck In"...it's hypnotic and deep. Really great stuff!
Yes,indeed! More Chicken Lips please!!
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