Welcome to all of the Mac users out there visiting Pound for Pound for the first time, as it is good to have some fellow intelligent computer buyers checking in. I want to thank Apple For You for the link to my post last year about getting an Apple store here in Philadelphia from last year. Better than late than never, as it's very nice to find that someone thought this was a good idea.
I do want to expand on the idea, as it is a smaller battle in the larger war of making Philly a world city. While it isn't kosher for a progressive to revel in commerce, I do. I can't help it, I like to buy things. My socialist ideals and Marx books die on the grave of Nike Air Force 1s, Turntable Lab and Armand's vinyl shopping, and books about cities from amazon. I am weak. But, more than that, I believe that any great city must be the site for everything, from the good to the bad, from commerce to radical politics. It is what seperates it from the rest of the suburbs and towns, what seperates a great city from the homogeneized dreams of urban planners.
I want stores everywhere in Philly, and believe it to be just as important a sign as ethics reform for the city's future. It is a sign of a vibrant city, a city that appeals to the rich and middle class and entrepeneurs and big companies. In discussing the city with a friend EC, she mentioned the lack of stores here as a noticeable defect. It gives the sense that things don't happen here, that a person can't start a business and live out their vision. Yes, I understand that these problems don't rival the crime problem or hunger or homelessness, but that doesn't make it unimportant.
Finally, if you want to leave a comment, please either have the balls to leave your name or the brains to read what my post is saying. I'm sure that you can find a place to download these things at some site you visit. I have addressed one such dumbass in the comments below, please don't make me do it again. Go download as
-Following up on the comedy links, go here and check out the video archive for the new (or new to me) VH1's show, Web Junk 20. Some of the funniest shit I have ever seen, all taken off of the web it seems. There's not much funnier than people hurting themselves unintentionally, Kelsey Grammer falling off a stage while giving a speech, or kids in China lipsynching to the Backstreet Boys. Or at least, there's nothing funnier to me.
-Project Runway tonight, yeah! Oh, don't act like you don't watch it. Go here to read Tim's blog or ask him a question, and read his thoughts on each contest. Or if you really want to obsess over the show, read Blogging Project Runway, which takes it to the next level.
-Since we are discussing Philly here, let me take note of a new addition to the links list at the right. callmeMICKEY is another blog, dealing in a lot of the same topics that interest us here at Pound for Pound and dropping lots of mp3s. Best of all, they cover all sorts of genres, from rock to Dipset to emynd and Bo Bliz. Most amazingly, go here, here, here and here for Mickey's look at all (I mean, ALL) of the bands scheduled for the SXSW Music Festival in Austin, complete with mp3s for some of his favorites. Amazing, thanks for that work, mang. So, yeah, go here and check out another of Philly's finest.
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