Roll Deep, Live at the East River Ampitheater 8.13.05 New York, NY
Kano, Ghetto and Bionix, Live at the East River Ampitheater 8.13.05, NYC, NY
I wanted to wish a special Happy Birthday to MC, who is celebrating it over in India. Very gangsta. Not sure if she is involved in peace talks with Pakistan or what, but I want India to know that she is coming back on the 29th. No extensions, no delays, I need her back. I can think of little else but her return, but since I promised to not get too emo, I will keep this short. I will simply say that I am so happy to celebrate a new year in her life, as I can't wait to see what it holds in store for her. Hint, big things, real big things.
Above are her first B-day gifts, recordings from the grime weekend that went down in NYC a few weekends and that she so eloquently reported back on. That's right, those are recordings of the Roll Deep Crew and Kano from the East River Park. I cannot take credit for these, as all respect and props go to DJ Lioness who uploaded these on her site. Go there and check out the best grime audio source on the Internet, as we will return to this site often in the future. Thanks again, as I never thought that I would have a chance to hear what went down that weekend.
Check back later, as I will have a few posts up in the next day or two.
Saturday, August 27, 2005
Thursday, August 25, 2005
DJ Godfather

DJ Godfather, Da Bomb Volume 6 (excerpt)
While Assault is the most famous name, ghettotech has a few other excellent DJs/producers spreading the sounds. I figured that it would be nice to look at another of the founding fathers of the music, the aptly named DJ Godfather. While he is not as well known as Assault, he holds OG status for those who follow ghettotech or accelerated funk or whatever you want to call it. His label, Twilight 76, was one of the pivotal labels that put this new sound out, starting around 1996. Twilight 76 and Databass have put out hundreds of 12" recordings, helping to define and shape the music during its brief heyday. It reminds me of many of the electronic music scenes that sprout up every few years, with track after track coming out on various small labels, new names constantly putting out the hottest shit week to week.
DJ Godfather does not have the persona or pr skills of DJ Assault, but he is just as good and talented. For your listening pleasure, I have thrown up an excerpt from one of his mixes, Da Bomb Volume 6. Again, you will get the tried and true of the genre, short songs that feature offensive catchphrases repeated over 4/4 beats with deep bass. I must say that, while this is the only mix that I have heard of Godfather (so far), it is the best I have heard from anyone. Those 4/4 beats can be very oppressive over a 60 or 70 minute mix, and Godfather seems to do the most to alleviate. Godfather leaves a little space for the listener, dropping the beat out occasionally, scratching and generally using songs with more varied beats and percussion elements.
It's funny, because I am again focusing many posts on music that many see as a repetitive and boring. I can't argue with people's tastes, but both reggaeton and ghettotech hit me every time. No, this is not the stuff you are going to play at your wedding, but it's not made for reflection or the radio or the mainstream. Rather, it is a music played for the clubs and its sole purpose is to get people dancing and moving their asses. I cannot stress enough how amazing it is to hear DJs who get it, who understand that they are there to get the crowd moving, make people happy and keep the dancefloor packed. They are not there to brag about their record collections, play what people should hear or impose their own will on the crowds.
Okay, there is still more to come with my ghettotech selections, as we will look at Assault again, Disco D and some young bols who have put together some devastating mixes that are keeping this music alive.
-Following up on that Shadetek mix, I want to direct everyone to some great grime music out there on the Internets this week. First up, head over to Logan Sama's blog, which has quicklyh become an essential source for all of us in the US who cannot find this music coming out of East London. Logan Sama puts together a show for the pirate radio station Kiss FM, and is involved in the grime scene like few others. Make sure to peep the exclusive mix he has uploaded, made for a series of concerts he put on in Europe with Jammer, Skepta et al. There are other sets available at times, so you need to check the site often. Great stuff.
-It was a fun time Saturday night at the Ukie, despite the fact that I went by myself. It was especially great to see Baltimore in the house, as the Baltimore Bass Connection, Chris Rockswell and Ronnie Darko, killed it for real. That B-more club sound just feels more and more right the more I hear it. Go here and cop XXXChange and Rockswell's Voila mixtape from Turntable Lab.
-There seems like such a natural connection between the two cities, one that has not been made enough in the clubs. Perhaps this event will be the start of something more regular. More to come on this...
-When Jezebel and I woke up Sunday morning, we were very happy to get the chance to catch up on the recent Laguna Beach episodes on MTV. That's right, I am a huge fan of Laguna Beach, and not afraid to admit it. (Actually, I am a little bit afraid, mainly because I believe that this admission prevents me from using the phrase "no homo" ever again.) Why do I like the show so much? It reminds me of my high school years, except that they have money, sex, beaches, huge houses, nice whips, and good looks. I shudder at the thoughts of a reality show based around my high school years. Would America want to see a show based on depression, Marx, self-loathingand hip hop? (Since you are reading this blog, perhaps they would.) High school, good times.
Anyway, I had to put down my thoughts, as that damn Jason has me so riled up. He is such a dick, and so obviously a cheater, that it makes me want to scream. The only girl who seems cute and nice is Jessica, and I just want to scream at her and make her break-up with this douche. Grrr. And don't get me started about that bitch, Alex M. Jessica should cut that girl for moving on her man. That shit ain't cool. And you thought that I was kidding about the political talk. Err, whatever. I'm going back to the chat room to find out more about Kristin, Talan, LC and the rest of the gang.
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Inside the Blogger's Studio: Pound for Pound

I just wanted to give you some behind the scenes looks at Pound for Pound, a peak in on the creative process, a view of how we make the lemonade here. See for yourself how focused I am. For real, we are going to be dropping lots of ghettotech, pointing out all of the other people in cyberspace spreading good music, and just generally stayin' on the grind. I am going to try to discuss politics more, as I have held my tongue too long. Don't fear, as I promise not to go all Uni-bomber on everyone. I just want to use Pound for Pound as a source for some of the great progressive thinking, the debates within the Left and exposing the bankruptcy of the modern Right.
But, most importantly, I am going to try to bring back the focus to Philly and the city, in its general form. It is what interests me, and while I have been spreading the sounds of the cities lately, I have not been bringing much else. Look out for more discussion on street art, on architecture and development. Look for bigger discussions on the future of city life, on urban centers and . Finally, I will discuss my city, Philadelphia, and look at how we got here, what's going on now and where we are headed (or need to head) as much as possible. I hope that readers will find something of interest, as the discussion picks up here.
As you can see, I pulled out my nicest plaid shirt, so y'all know that itsa bout to get real ugly in here. TTYL, LOL, j/k :)
Saturday, August 20, 2005
Low Budget, Crazy Eyez Killah
In honor of the above event, I figured that I would upload this recent Low Budget production. Quite honestly, I am not sure that I could ask for a better combination than Curb Your Enthusiasm and Baltimore club. I mean, maybe big boobs and Miami bass? Pastrami on rye and screw music? Air Force 1s and Prince?
This track has been floating around the Internet for a few weeks, so I imagine that everyone has it. If not, enjoy. Low Budget puts together a song based on one of the funniest episodes of the HBO comedy, when Larry and thug rapper Crazy Eyez Killah become BFFs for a moment. Best of all, it is another sign that Low Budget is bringing his skills more and more to the production end. Check those horns, as I'm really feelin' those stabs. I can't wait for the B-more mix he is doing with Aaron LaCrate, which should be out sometime this Fall.
-Voila/tronix tonight! For all of us who have been waiting patiently for the next Hollertronix at the Ukie Club, and anyone in Philly looking for something fun tonight, this is the place to be. Hollertronix and Turntable Lab are putting together this little event tonight at the Ukie Club (847 N. Franklin St), celebrating the release of the Spankrock 12" "Put That Pussy On Me" and XXXChange/Chris Rockwell/Spankrock's Voila mix on the Money Studies label. Money Studies is the label the bols at Turntable Lab set up, and they have release some classics, most notably Hollertronix's Never Scared mix.
-Shit, it looks A Silent Flute has already beaten me to this announcement. The blogosphere has spoken. Be there or else. On a related note, I must concur with The Stencil, as ASF has been killin' it. Note to self: Pound for Pound needs to step its game up.
-Once you've copped the TTLab shit, head over and grab this amazing mix put together by Matt Shadetek, one-half of Team Shadetek. I first got up on these guys with their mix CD, WSHT: Radio Mix 2003, on Violent Turd (I might need to post a few tracks from that one), which absolutely killed me. Then, they spun before the Philly Run the Road shows at the beginning of the year, featuring Jammer, D Double E and the other grime youngsters. It was amazing to hear these American bols spinning an entire grime set, and, honestly, still is to this day. Anyway, this mix is straight fire. I feel like it's the type of mix that I would put together if I spun or had the equipment or talent to do so. Lots of grime, dancehall, hip hop, but all from the harsher, more brutal sonic spectrum. He seems more in line with dj/ rupture than, say, Ayres or Diplo, less aware of the dancefloor. Not that there's anything wrong with that. The thing that they all have in common is skills and impeccable selector status.
Friday, August 19, 2005
DJ Assault

DJ Asssault, Straight Up Detroit Shit Volume 5 (excerpt)
I hope that you all enjoyed the DJ Assault taste from last week (re-uploaded, because that's the kinda guy I am). That album, Off the Chain for the Y2K, was my first experience with the music coming out of Detroit a few years ago, which, for lack of a better term, I will call ghettotech. It seems to me like one of the logical follow-ups to my focus on Miami bass, the grandfather of all booty musics, as both are fixated on the rear-end and getting people to shake theirs.
Assault made himself into the leader of this genre, presenting an outrageous, cartoonish public figure for the world to latch onto. He personifies the lyrical content, coming off as a p-i-m-p who gets all the women he wants and counts his stacks of money in his free time. In reality, he has helped develop an infectious, dirty music that feeds off of the currents coming up from Miami and across the oceans from Europe. He has blended the 4 to the floor that formed the basis of techno and drum and bass, combining it with the attitude, misogyny and irresistible grooves of bass and hip-hop. (I do hope to get into the misogyny issue at some point, although I feel like Cowboyz'n'Poodles or some of my great readers could put together far mor intelligent and devastating critiques.)
Straight Up Detroit Shit Volume 5 is the final installment in his first mix series that dropped in the mid-late 90s, put out on the Electrofunk label. This one comes from 1998, and it is not as readily available. This is the reason for the longer excerpt this time, as I feel like people need to hear this one. It is not a whole lot different than any of the many mixes he has put together, although there are a few more slow jam, female vocal jawns than I have ever heard. Some of my favorites tracks are on here, like "Ponytail", "Bounce Those Titties" and "Mouth Blue Out". Enjoy, and let us know your thoughts and feeling on this one.
More Assault coming, although we may take a look DJ Godfather in the meantime.
-Terrell Owens is back in camp and peace reigns again. For real though, enough is enough. I couldn't agree more with this column by Rich Hoffman in yesterday's Daily News, as he discusses the disgust one feels at seeing all of the media coverage and T.O. antics. (Of course, it would be nice to see a little self-reflection from a man who works in the media, which has fueled this circus at every turn.) He and his agent, Drew Rosenhaus, have really misplayed this situation, as they have never seemed to have a very good sense of how to get the money they want. Attacking your teamates and coaches? Working out on your lawn? Quite a hand you had there, guys. The only real winners with all of this are those in San Francisco, who have to be laughing their asses off at all of this drama.
- Funniest Craig's List posting ever. [Via Fables of the Reconstruction]
-For all of the losers who have to worry about sports and local teams 24 7, check in on the Philadelphia Phillies, who most of us gave up on months ago. As it turns out, they are now leading the National League Wild Card race, and are guaranteed a September that matters. They are playing well, the bullpen is one of the best, and they are gathering momentum at the right time.
-It ain't just bloggers spreading the music. DJ Ayres, the amazing NYC DJ, has posted up lots of heat on his web site, but pay special attention to the disco mix that he put together. Amazing stuff, and it is always nice to see another person return to an important music. I got into this shit through a lot of the Ze Records releases and Disco Not Disco stuff that has come out in recent years, all of which helped me to overcome some ridiculous assumptions and biases. This was a vital, creative genre of music that continues to inspire us today. Back to Ayres for a second. Make sure to peep all of his mixtapes for sale, as these are so necessary, perhaps the best out there. Oh, and make sure to check out The Rub this Saturday in Brooklyn, one of the best parties anywhere, put together by Ayres, Cosmo Baker and DJ Eleven. Go here for all the party info, mixtapes and mp3s.
-Finally, I made it to Trilladelphia Wednesday night at Silk City, the night dedicated to the music of the Dirty South. Low Budget and DJ Deluxxx absolutely killed it, playing exactly what I want to hear when I go out. Three 6 Mafia, Swishahouse stuff, Trick Daddy, some No Limit stuff, Miami bass. Unfortunately, the crowd was small, and there was not a lot of energy. I really hope that this becomes a monthly or weekly or something, and will keep everyone up-to-date on this one. More to come on this topic, as I may ask my dear readers for some opinions and answers.
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
Best Week Ever
Ok, maybe not that great, but it was an eventful few days since my last post. First off, Thursday was the 27th anniversary of the birth of yours truly, Pound for Pound. I want to thank the friends who came out and made it a celebration, joining me at N.3rd and 700 Club for a night on the town. TA, MR, CS, AP, TK and LU (and others like L, J and K whose last names I do not know) came out, and their presence was the best gift of all. MC put it all together, and her planning exceeded all of my past birthdays combined. In all honesty, I have never been a big fan of my birthday, as it usually made me depressed. This year feels so different, as I can't wait for this year to unfold. Her presence alone accounts for much of this optimism. The rest I will save for her, as it's time to get back to discussing "Ass and Titties" in a scholarly way.
Over the weekend, I headed to Greenville, South Carolina. No, it was not to validate my general unease with the South and cement my love for cities (although those goals were accomplished). Rather, I had the good fortune of attending the wedding of JB and ER, . JB is one of my oldest and closest friends, and ER has become the same since they began dating. Their wedding was quite beautiful, traditional and elegant in the way that you imagine they used to do it. Mazel tov, you two, as I was glad that I could share in such a special day.
Best of all, the weekend was an occasion to see lots of old friends, some of whom I had not seen in years. I was especially happy to hang out with MM and BD, who are doing real big things. I want to give a special thanks to Uncle "Redd", whose diatribes on Clinton, the 'liberal' media and taxation, his love for the Constitution, his desire to implement martial law in the US to quell dissent and his history lesson on late 60s Southern rock provided all the entertainment I could want.
In a terrible convergence, it seems that the world was as active as ever. Check my mami's posts on the great stuff in NYC on Saturday. Friday night was just as hot there, with Knit hosting another amazing grime/DJ show, this time featuring . There was Making Time in Philly, along with White T's and White Belts at Aqualounge. I would love to hear some reports on any of these happenings, as I need to live vicariously.
-A quick note for an event tonight in the 215 that everyone must attend. Low Budget and DJ Deluxxx are spinning at Silk City (5th and Spring Garden), bringing the music of the Dirty South to Philly. That means crunk, screw, Miami bass, Baltimore club and everything else that Pound for Pound likes to listen to and talk about. I mean, for real, I could not imagine a better concept and better selectors. I am going to go by myself (friends, step your games up!), which should show just how great I think this one is (and not that I have a man-crush on Low Budget). Get there, and let's hope that this is the start of a weekly or monthly.
-Regular blogging will resume shortly, as I will continue my look at ghettotech with a few rants about politics thrown in for fun. Check back soon, y'all.
Over the weekend, I headed to Greenville, South Carolina. No, it was not to validate my general unease with the South and cement my love for cities (although those goals were accomplished). Rather, I had the good fortune of attending the wedding of JB and ER, . JB is one of my oldest and closest friends, and ER has become the same since they began dating. Their wedding was quite beautiful, traditional and elegant in the way that you imagine they used to do it. Mazel tov, you two, as I was glad that I could share in such a special day.
Best of all, the weekend was an occasion to see lots of old friends, some of whom I had not seen in years. I was especially happy to hang out with MM and BD, who are doing real big things. I want to give a special thanks to Uncle "Redd", whose diatribes on Clinton, the 'liberal' media and taxation, his love for the Constitution, his desire to implement martial law in the US to quell dissent and his history lesson on late 60s Southern rock provided all the entertainment I could want.
In a terrible convergence, it seems that the world was as active as ever. Check my mami's posts on the great stuff in NYC on Saturday. Friday night was just as hot there, with Knit hosting another amazing grime/DJ show, this time featuring . There was Making Time in Philly, along with White T's and White Belts at Aqualounge. I would love to hear some reports on any of these happenings, as I need to live vicariously.
-A quick note for an event tonight in the 215 that everyone must attend. Low Budget and DJ Deluxxx are spinning at Silk City (5th and Spring Garden), bringing the music of the Dirty South to Philly. That means crunk, screw, Miami bass, Baltimore club and everything else that Pound for Pound likes to listen to and talk about. I mean, for real, I could not imagine a better concept and better selectors. I am going to go by myself (friends, step your games up!), which should show just how great I think this one is (and not that I have a man-crush on Low Budget). Get there, and let's hope that this is the start of a weekly or monthly.
-Regular blogging will resume shortly, as I will continue my look at ghettotech with a few rants about politics thrown in for fun. Check back soon, y'all.
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
Kano/Diplo at the Knitting Factory/Juelz/Roll Deep at East River Park (The MC Pics)
Here are the pics that MC took over the course of Saturday in NYC. The Juelz Santana ones are just amazing, visible proof how close and intimate this show was. Grrr, can't believe that I missed out.

Setting up for the show in the East River Park

The music begins

Sneaker heat on a hot day

Stop watching TV, watch Juelz

Crowd shots

Juelz so focused and so icey

Diplo puts the Knitting Factory on blast

Diplo's set-up

Setting up for the show in the East River Park

The music begins

Sneaker heat on a hot day

Stop watching TV, watch Juelz

Crowd shots

Juelz so focused and so icey

Diplo puts the Knitting Factory on blast

Diplo's set-up
Monday, August 15, 2005
Kano/Diplo at the Knitting Factory/Juelz/Roll Deep at East River Park (The MC Review)
[Ed. note: This post is the work of my girlfriend MC, who will serve as a guest contributer every now and then. Since her writing is both better and wittier than mine, I imagine it being more then than now. Peep her amazing flics from the two shows this past weekend in NYC in the above post, as I have not seen many in the blogosphere yet. Great stuff, and only made me feel worse that I missed all the grime/Dipset goodness.
Anyway, she left for India today, and shit sucks. I will try not to get too emo over the next two weeks, but I ain't making no promises. Imma pussy, what can I say? To compensate for said weak emotions, I will be posting up lots of dirty, hyper-masculine ghettotech. The blog equivalent of buying a corvette, I guess. Miss you, mami.]
Well, after several questions about why I was there (can’t a girl wear a frilly white button-up shirt and camo-print ballet slippers with bows, and still go see a hip hop show?), as well as a torrential downpour, your girl is back from NYC and a full day of fire from 2 continents. It started at the East River Park for a joint show featuring East London's Roll Deep Crew and Harlem's finest Juelz Santana and the Dipset, and continuing at the Knitting Factory with the first American show for rising grime star Kano.
First of all, I want to say that I thought this event was a really neat showcase for talent from its hosting city as well as talent from across the Atlantic. I thought it was especially valuable since lots of folks over here are still getting into grime and this was a chance to hear some of the best that scene has to offer.
Although the East River Park gig didn’t start on time (when I got there at 2, they were still building things, speakers and mic stands and whatnot, so I knew there wouldn’t be music for quite some time…), the talent came correct. Kenny Mohammed the Human Orchestra (or whatever his nutty name was) was pretty cool, even if beatboxing isn’t my thing. Dude did pant and purse his lips and spit beats and all that for 20 minutes straight in that blazing heat. Wiley and the rest of the Roll Deep Crew repped HARD, bringing the audience straight grime style rhymes, with crazy English lingo and that distinctive rhythm many of us have come to love (in particular, the Roll Deep members shout out in unison at the end of most of any individual emcee’s verses, and it’s really effective). Also, one Roll Deep member was rocking some AF1 Easters, and I’ve never seen a dude actually wearing patent leather pastel, so you have to respect that. The DJs from Heat also brought it, mixing in reggaeton, dancehall and hip hop from all over.
What I personally was anticipating the most, however, was my bol Juelz. After that crazy rain storm, during which a bunch of people left (I give myself gangsta points for staying, I was completely soaked). He came out with that crazy Diplomats medallion and a pinky ring so full of gold it literally stood an inch off his finger. Despite being a short set, it was off the hook. Some old (“Santana’s Town”), some new (“Mic Check”), the crowd was going crazy (lots of girls in the front trying to touch him). Dip-Set Forever.
Later at the Knitting Factory, Nick Catchdubs did a long-ass set that kept people moving (myself, I’m always glad to hear “So Icey”). Diplo came out towards the end and started to control the video display (lots of Star Wars, with some City of God and Das Boot mixed in)… I’m a little hazy on the transition between Catchdubs and Diplo, but somewhere in the middle there, Bone Crusher’s “Never Scared” came on and everyone went wild (maybe not like at the Ukie for Hollertronix, but is there anything like that, really?). Diplo broke out some of his favela classics (and video footage to match) and—of course—“Sweet Dreams” and a whole bunch of other good stuff, but it was starting to get really late…
Finally, around 1:15 or 1:30, the “Golden Boy” himself, Kano, came out with his entourage (two of those dudes were BIG). He opened with "Ps & Qs", a blog favorite, and his rhymes were crazy fast and really staccato. It was CRAZY in the front row; a million people were taking pictures, Kano was strutting around, and people were literally jumping up and down and shouting the lyrics, and generally I think it was a really successful debut for him.
What I thought was interesting was the fact that the other emcee up there with Kano had just as much mic time, they were basically taking turns at some points; I saw something like this at the Dizzee Rascal show at the Trocadero in Philly, and I’m wondering if that’s how they do at grime shows in London, or what? But Kano and his sidekick dude were both great. The set was short, and we all left soaked in sweat (our own and other people’s… yum), but pretty psyched. I know I’ll be all over Kano’s album, Home Sweet Home, when it drops in the U.S.; I’m pretty sure after last night that a whole lot of other folks will be too.
Anyway, she left for India today, and shit sucks. I will try not to get too emo over the next two weeks, but I ain't making no promises. Imma pussy, what can I say? To compensate for said weak emotions, I will be posting up lots of dirty, hyper-masculine ghettotech. The blog equivalent of buying a corvette, I guess. Miss you, mami.]
Well, after several questions about why I was there (can’t a girl wear a frilly white button-up shirt and camo-print ballet slippers with bows, and still go see a hip hop show?), as well as a torrential downpour, your girl is back from NYC and a full day of fire from 2 continents. It started at the East River Park for a joint show featuring East London's Roll Deep Crew and Harlem's finest Juelz Santana and the Dipset, and continuing at the Knitting Factory with the first American show for rising grime star Kano.
First of all, I want to say that I thought this event was a really neat showcase for talent from its hosting city as well as talent from across the Atlantic. I thought it was especially valuable since lots of folks over here are still getting into grime and this was a chance to hear some of the best that scene has to offer.
Although the East River Park gig didn’t start on time (when I got there at 2, they were still building things, speakers and mic stands and whatnot, so I knew there wouldn’t be music for quite some time…), the talent came correct. Kenny Mohammed the Human Orchestra (or whatever his nutty name was) was pretty cool, even if beatboxing isn’t my thing. Dude did pant and purse his lips and spit beats and all that for 20 minutes straight in that blazing heat. Wiley and the rest of the Roll Deep Crew repped HARD, bringing the audience straight grime style rhymes, with crazy English lingo and that distinctive rhythm many of us have come to love (in particular, the Roll Deep members shout out in unison at the end of most of any individual emcee’s verses, and it’s really effective). Also, one Roll Deep member was rocking some AF1 Easters, and I’ve never seen a dude actually wearing patent leather pastel, so you have to respect that. The DJs from Heat also brought it, mixing in reggaeton, dancehall and hip hop from all over.
What I personally was anticipating the most, however, was my bol Juelz. After that crazy rain storm, during which a bunch of people left (I give myself gangsta points for staying, I was completely soaked). He came out with that crazy Diplomats medallion and a pinky ring so full of gold it literally stood an inch off his finger. Despite being a short set, it was off the hook. Some old (“Santana’s Town”), some new (“Mic Check”), the crowd was going crazy (lots of girls in the front trying to touch him). Dip-Set Forever.
Later at the Knitting Factory, Nick Catchdubs did a long-ass set that kept people moving (myself, I’m always glad to hear “So Icey”). Diplo came out towards the end and started to control the video display (lots of Star Wars, with some City of God and Das Boot mixed in)… I’m a little hazy on the transition between Catchdubs and Diplo, but somewhere in the middle there, Bone Crusher’s “Never Scared” came on and everyone went wild (maybe not like at the Ukie for Hollertronix, but is there anything like that, really?). Diplo broke out some of his favela classics (and video footage to match) and—of course—“Sweet Dreams” and a whole bunch of other good stuff, but it was starting to get really late…
Finally, around 1:15 or 1:30, the “Golden Boy” himself, Kano, came out with his entourage (two of those dudes were BIG). He opened with "Ps & Qs", a blog favorite, and his rhymes were crazy fast and really staccato. It was CRAZY in the front row; a million people were taking pictures, Kano was strutting around, and people were literally jumping up and down and shouting the lyrics, and generally I think it was a really successful debut for him.
What I thought was interesting was the fact that the other emcee up there with Kano had just as much mic time, they were basically taking turns at some points; I saw something like this at the Dizzee Rascal show at the Trocadero in Philly, and I’m wondering if that’s how they do at grime shows in London, or what? But Kano and his sidekick dude were both great. The set was short, and we all left soaked in sweat (our own and other people’s… yum), but pretty psyched. I know I’ll be all over Kano’s album, Home Sweet Home, when it drops in the U.S.; I’m pretty sure after last night that a whole lot of other folks will be too.
Wednesday, August 10, 2005

DJ Assault, Off the Chain for the Y2K (excerpt)
You have heard the rumors, you have heard the talk. It's finally here, ghettotech time at Pound for Pound. That's right, the blog that gave you Booty Week (ok, whatever, Booty Month or two) has decided to get right to the heart of the matter. Right to one of booty's epicenters, Detroit. I look forward to trying to give a sense of this music over the next week or two, or at the very least, bring it back to the people's attention after a few years out of the limelight.
Anyway, I have decided to start with a look at some of the main players in the genre, starting with DJ Assault. Assault is the most famous name, the one who brought the genre its attention a few years back, and who would slap me for calling it ghettotech. His production skills and pimp persona define the genre, and he was my first exposure to the music.
Above is a brief excerpt from his mix CD, Off the Chain for the Y2K. I would normally not post up more than a few tracks from any given album, but there are like 90 tracks on this one, each song lasting no more than a minute. Therefore, I decided to put together a sample of the mix, 15 minutes or so of Off the Chain. So, give a listen to this one, a pretty typical example of the genre and Assault's oeuvre. I will delve more into all of this over the course of the week, giving some more links, history, personal thoughts and criticisms. More Assault tomorrow, as we continue to give you a look at one of the main figures in booty music.
-Speaking of booty, I absolutely loved the picture that I saw over at Dan Charnas' blog, taken in a store window in Washington Heights. I really do hope that this is a sign of the changing times (not just the mannequin times), but I highly doubt that this will become the norm at Bloomingdales any time soon. Ladies, badonkadonks are the new black, from what I hear.
-Speaking of booty (or lack thereof), I caught this flic of Christina Ricci over at DJ Benzi's site, and was taken aback. What happened to her? She looks like she has some sort of wasting disease or something. It is really sad to see woman starving themselves to look 'beautiful', fitting the unrealistic and unattractive Hollywood notion of beauty.
-Thanks to Notes from a Different Kitchen for the link, as it is much appreciated. For those coming to hear the reggaeton mp3s, I will be uploading everything again today. Different Kitchen is one of the best, an amazing source for links on music, politics, art, and everything else that is good in life.
Monday, August 08, 2005
Mas Flow 2 (Pero No Mas Reggaeton Aqui)
Baby Ranks, Tony Tun-Tun, Wisin y Yandel, Hector 'Bambino', Daddy Yankee, Mayor Que Yo
Alexis y Fido, Tiburon
Daddy Yankee, Deevani and Tego Calderon, Mirame (2)
Polaco, Con Rabia
Wisin y Yandel, Rakata
Yaga y Mackie Ranks, Tortura
All good things must come to an end, and so Pound for Pound is going to take a reggaeton break, as we are going to start posting ghettotech mp3s starting Monday. That's right, come here for all of your DJ Assault, DJ Godfather and Disco D needs. We will be posting up singles, mix CD excerpts, DJ sets, and mixes from some unknown bols. Yes, yes, I have been promising this for awhile, as MC kindly noted. This time it's for real, as I have no more reggaeton to share and a new week has begun. I really am looking forward to this, as it fits so well with the Booty Week theme that we have been living under this summer.
For my final run of songs, I am going to focus on one of the hottest reggaeton CDs ever, Mas Flow 2. I apologize for not getting these up first, but quite honestly, I just got the CD. Anyway, this is a recent release, and seems to be taking the genre to new artistic heights. It is the work of Luny Tunes, a production team getting comparisons to the Neptunes. It is a good one, beyond the duo aspect. Both duos have achieved a status on par with those in front. Both teams are open to any and all influences, opening their respective genres to the entire world's sounds. This album has a similar feel to The Neptunes Present: The Clones, where lots of different performers came together with the production and beats as the selling point. The producer as star continues to spread, it seems.
The oddest part of the album is the fact that it is credited to both the Luny Tunes and Baby Ranks, an up-and-coming MC. He is good and appears on a handful of songs, but gets lost with the cast of all-stars on this album. When I say all-stars, I mean it. These songs feature many of the same performers highlighted earlier, like Daddy Yankee, NORE, Ivy Queen and Zion y Lenox. There are also quite a few unknowns on these 2 CDs, which was a welcome surprise, giving one the most hope that this genre will stand the test of time once the flavor of the month vibe wears off. The songs above are some of the hottest on the album, and should give a good sense of the the variety and quality throughout the two discs.
Again, I cannot say enough about this one, as it is the best major label jawn I have heard yet, bringing the energy and variety that I have only previously found on mixtapes. However, unlike the mixtapes, there is no sense of a cheap product, abbreviated songs, or less than stellar sonic quality. It is a must-buy for anyone looking to get into this music, especially if you fear the rumors that this is a repetitive genre. Go here and cop it, friends.
-I have been looking for writers dealing with reggaeton, but there is not much out there in cyberspace. However, Wayne&Wax not only gets in under the wire, but absolutely kills it. Go here to check it out, as this is the definitive piece on the genre so far. It is an amazing blend of thoughts on the musical content and the larger socio-historical context, an intelligent look at a music that seems to be disrespected or overlooked at every chance. The only bad thing I can say is that I am embarrassed that I couldn't put anything similar together. Go here immediately and go to school. [Via Mudd Up!]
-Charlie Murphy says that the Chappelle Show is over. He also compares it to Tupac, which actually kinda made sense to me, although hopefully there won't be anyone gunned down. Seriously though, this is real sad news if it is true. When one forgets the awful memories of drunk frat guys in bars shouting "Rick James, bitch!", one realizes that this was one of the best shows TV has ever offered. Brilliant, angry, hilarious stuff.
-Since I congragulated Houston So Real on the birth of his daughter, I figured that I would engage in a bit of self-congragulation on my new daughter, Jezebel. MC and I came across her in a vacant lot near 700 Club, and were immediately taken by her. We took her home, tried to find her owners, and officially adopted her this weekend. She is one of the most beautiful girls in the world in my opinion, taking after her adopted mother. See the picture above and try to disagree that she isn't the most beautiful cat you've ever seen. (Unless you want a sock in the jaw, I suggest that you agree.)
-Finally, as a gift to my readers, and my final reggaeton gesture, I am going to upload all of the mp3s from the last two weeks. Enjoy, and let us know if there is anything else that you would like re-uploaded.
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
Tony Touch

Tony Touch and Nina Sky, Play That Song
Tony Touch, D'Mingo and the Beatnuts, Sofrito
Tony Touch, DJ Premier and Tego Calderon, Gangsta Gangsta
Tony Touch and Pitbull, Back Up
Okay, one more post featuring reggaeton. It's like an addiction, people, I just can't stop. Below are more links to great music blogs and sites, as I figured that my readers would appreciate some diversity in their downloading. It can't be reggaeton all the time, can it? Feel free to recommend any other sites, as I'm always on the lookout for the bringers of heat.
These songs come from Tony Touch's new album, Reggaetony, which came out a few weeks ago. Tony Touch is a legend, having been a notable DJ for more than a decade at this point. He has stood at the crossroads of hip hop, dancehall and reggaeton, serving as an selector for these similar genres and has helped bring them to greater fame. While he is probably best known for his mixtapes in the late 1990s, he is one of the early founders of reggaeton, spinning at a Puerto Rican club called The Noise, where the music took shape, and putting out an album called Guatauba, which paired reggaeton artists with hip hop stars.
On this album, Tony Touch plays his role to perfection. He is joined by all of the leading figures in reggaeton, like Daddy Yankee, Tego Calderon and Zion & Lenox, along with some notable hip hop and dancehall figures, from Fat Joe, NORE and Nina Sky to DJ Premier and B-Real(!!!). It all befits his important station as mixtape maker and Power 105 DJ. Go here to buy the album, as I would recommend it for those not sure what they think about this music yet. It highlights the connection between hip hop and reggaeton, and Touch definitely knows how to bring out said connection. However, this is nothing special. There are a few hot tracks, which are for download above, but overall, the beats seem tired or uninspired.
-If Houston did have a problem, Matt Sonzala would certainly have the answer. For real, Houston So Real is the blog that puts all other blogs to shame. Whether it's the interviews with Pimp C and Bun B, stories on the Lil Flip-T.I. fight or dealing with MTV, or the mp3s of his radio show Damage Control or the hottest singles in H-Town, there is just so much going on there. Go here and check out the recent tribute to DJ Screw on Damage Control, as it is a nice look at the man Robert Davis and his music. Most importantly, mazel tov to Matt and his wife on the birth of their second daughter, as this is wonderful news. The pics of his girls are a rare occasion when the Internet is cute and adorable, as opposed to creepy and annoying. Anyway, Houston So Real now you heard of that!
-For those into the screwed and chopped sound (and who isn't?), H-Town scene, head over to the Street Pharmacy site and download the July radio shows. DJ Yellaboy is one of the hardest working, up-and-coming DJs on the scene, and his shows are a great way to listen to this music and hear what might hit next for free. Registration to the forum is required, but easy and worth it. The Stencil was on this weeks ago.
-Finally, Futurism Ain't Shit has a similar layout to Pound for Pound, but the content is more interesting. Oh, and he's funnier. Whatever. Lots of DJ Shadow up now, but it is this post that I just had to highlight. "Big Booty Bitches" and a Diplo remix of Le Tigre? Atzanice!
Okay, all of this should give you a nice respite from all of the booty music here. I will continue to highlight sites like these ones above, as there is so much good stuff to be heard. Pound for Pound will begin its look at ghettotech now, as I have been promising for too long. I can't wait to get into it, as I have some great stuff to upload and lots of nice sources. Detroit stand up!
Monday, August 01, 2005
Don Omar

Don Omar, Dile
Don Omar, Dale Don Dale
Don Omar featuring Zion and Hector, Ronca
Don Omar with NORE and Fat Joe, Reggaeton Latino (remix)
I think that this might be the end of reggaeton, as I have covered most of the major players. There is still much more to say, and there are many more artists to look at, so I'm sure that I will return to this music once I have gotten my hands on more of it.
It is fitting to end with Don Omar, a.k.a. The Last Don. This album is considered another one of the classics from this burgeoning genre, and it might be my personal favorite. Don Omar, born William Omar Landron, started out as a producer, which seperates him from the other artists we have mentioned. I think that this helps put him in a class to his own, as his beats are ridiculous, avoiding the repetitive feel of much of this music.
These mp3s come from his album, The Last Don, and a few recent mixtape appearances. I had hoped to focus on the mxtape scene, with the likes of DJs Kool Kid, June et al, but I will save that for a second look at the genre. Suffice it to say, like hip hop, it is the heart of the music, getting the music to the people quickly and cheaply. However, reggaeton is incredibly hit or miss, with lots of crap on the market, the same songs on lots of CDs, and only a few DJs who can be trusted. Anyway, pay special attention to the last song, as it has become a sort of reggaeton anthem, a defining song for the genre. Enjoy these songs, and let us know if you come up with any reggaeton ish that has to be heard.
Since this is the end of reggaeton mp3s, I figured that now would be a good time to point out some great music being posted up in the blog world. Use these links as a pallette-cleansing, as it should get serve as a transition, taking you from reggaeton to ghettotech (or baile funk) here at Pound for Pound.
-First up, the King, lemon-red. I have been meaning to shout-out his site for ages now, especially in lieu of the recent redesign. I know that many of you already check his blog daily, so this is really just a reminder to head over there. Get with it, and recognize the best mp3 blog going. It's as simple as that. Bol drops songs weeks before anyone, and they are the songs that will become staples on Power 99 or obsessions for other blog geeks. In other words, his site will allow you to be the life of the party at your next hipster function or blog convention. What more could you ask for? Check it out this week, as he has up a nice overview of his style, dropping heat from Elephant Man, Vybz Cartel and DangerDoom (Dangermouse and MF Doom!) with great links.
-Go here immediately and download the Radio Clit mix for July in lemon-red's ongoing series. It's only going to be up for a little while longer, and you need to have this in your life.
-Always nice to read some new sites, and recently came across a new favorite. Get Stoopid is doing real big things, providing an invaluable resource to anyone looking to hear what's going down in the Yay Area. I have slept on the emerging scene there, and hearing the songs that Jayo has posted up makes me even more excited to dig deeper. Go here and get in on the ground floor.
-Government Names has the South on lock, making everyone else with a blog look pretty weak. The bols have some nice reviews this week, looking at Big Pokey, K-Rino, Field Mob, Pastor Troy and many others. It is a joy to read their site weekly or daily or whatever, as they talk about this music with such love and knowledge. This is the shit that dominates my listening, and their blog has been so necessary in knowing what's come before and what's coming next.
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