Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Ride or Die

No, this is not a Ruff Ryder or DMX appreciation. As promised, I am going to discuss the SEPTA crisis that has been gathering attention in our city and the state over the course of the past few weeks. It is a crucial issue, one that reflects clearly whether or not we are determined to become the best city possible.

This first post is going to be short and sweet. Please use SEPTA today, Thursday January 20, and show your support for SEPTA and mass transit. Thursday is "Ride or Die", the brainchild of Philly Transit, a grassroots straphangers' organization formed to demand mass transit reform. Go to their site or email them at and sign up for the cause, as this is a pivotal issue for the city today and for its future. A vocal, united group of SEPTA riders has been long overdue in Philly, but it's better late than never. Check out this article by the always-great Carla Anderson, the Urban Warrior of the Philadelphia Daily News, for a great look at this event and the impact the group could have on the city. Go and read this article by former SEPTA executives, and learn the plan for Thursday and the goals. Finally, one more article, for those SEPTA virgins, a how-to guide to take some of the anxiety out of your first subway or bus trip.

I will post some more thoughts and info about the crisis here with SEPTA and on mass transit in general shortly, but feel that joining this group is the first and most important step for everyone who cares about the city and an affordable, well-run mass transit system. Go to this site or email them at and get involved. Take a bus or subway trip tomorrow, Thursday, and show your support monetarily and physically. Much more to come.

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