Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Take the Arrested Development Pledge

No, this is not another pledge to get into a Bush/Cheney event. Instead, as Gail Shister tells us, this is Fox's ploy to bring some attention to the show Arrested Development and placate its rabid fans. As one of those fans, I cannot say enough about how amazing, funny and brilliant this show is on a weekly basis. I know that anyone who watches an episode will be hooked for life. Unfortunately, time is running out, as Shister's piece quotes one insider saying that this is simply a smokescreen, as the show is already cancelled. [This same guy, Marc Berman, mentions my fantasy situation, which would have Fox cancel the show allowing it to move to HBO. That's right, even my fantasies are dorky. Get over it.]

Go here and sign the pledge, as it seems like the least we can do to keep this show on the air for as long as possible. People, I don't ask you for much, do I?

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