The title and stencil say it all. Pound for Pound will be back in the next few days. Expect the usual mix of gay disco, gayer house, Miami bass, big boobs, ghettotech, ghetto house, acieed!, jack trax, Scarlett Johannson references, no wave, new wave, early rap, the unremembered 70s, and 80s, Morrissey love. In other words, the same old, same old. Oh, but how good that same old is, yafeelme?
I have missed all of you immensely and hope that we'll quickly become required reading again. Yeah! Pound for Pound! America! Yeah!
About fuckin time!
Yeah you've been missed
been checking every week to see if there'd be anything new, nice to know its back up and running!
Oh! Nice blog! Till you didn't returned yet. I'll check the rest of materials here :)
Yeah! Pound for Pound! London!
All the best,
jack is back!!
At last! We gonna get the story on where you been??
How do I get on your blogroll fella? Whats a guy gotta do?
Find me here: http://therecommender.wordpress.com
All the best,
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